Dude that does suck about your pipes and living room.. Hope the damage is not too severe.
LOL....JJ just read your post...he's taking notes...Luke will reappear naked in the bar at Tatooine ...it'll help save Star Wars after the scroll intro....need ideas for the rest of episode Nein. ..I think Kaiju would help.....one of those dragons vs a saarlac
Popnfresh's film > TLJ
warcraft > TLJ
Maybe Luke just mastered force teleport, but he didn't quite get the clothing part right and he'll show up nude on Tatooine in the next movie.
He'll also order a giant glass of blue milk and guzzle it down and after he wipes the remaining dribble from his beard, he'll tell super elderly Wuher it's way better than the stuff on Ahch-To.
LOL....JJ just read your post...he's taking notes...Luke will reappear naked in the bar at Tatooine ...it'll help save Star Wars after the scroll intro....need ideas for the rest of episode Nein. ..I think Kaiju would help.....one of those dragons vs a saarlac
Dude that does suck about your pipes and living room.. Hope the damage is not too severe.
Oh thanks, the four hours of moving everything to high ground and then having the water removal team do their stuff was a pain in the ass but I saved all my "stuff." The carpets should be fully dry in a couple days and I'm just renting so any lingering structural damage won't be my problem, lol.
Khev I walked into TLJ with incorrect expectations.
I’m thinking ok Luke needs his Vader lightsaber moment it must happen or else!
Luke needed to kill 20 stormtroopers or 20 dark jedi with a lightsaber to solidify the true bad ass that he was.
Did those happen, nope!
I was wrong, Vader needed his Vader lightsaber moment not Luke!
Luke even threw away his saber in ROTJ in the throne room during a fight!
Luke was about channeling the will of the force like when concentrating about the exhaust port in ANH.
Luke had his samurai showdown but not with a saber it was with his connection to the force.
That for me was just as exciting to see Luke interacting with the force in that manner as it was seeing Vader’s lightsaber moment in RO.
As long as you have the high ground.
Anyways.. Why the hell am I back in here discussing this film![]()
right now I'm experiencing the joy of watching fans blow hot air under my carpet after my busted sense of taste flooded my fave board with haters.![]()
I think the man upstairs is even trying to tell you something about your opinions of TLJ![]()
That makes it even less heroic. He's lazy too, since he stayed behind and used a hologram. ...and then died.Then again, Luke was never a master strategist.
Yeah, you gotta wonder about Luke's thought process after Rey leaves:
"Well, Leia and the last of the Resistance is in trouble, I should go there to help them and-- no, wait... I could just PRETEND I'm there. Much braver. I have no idea what the actual circumstances or situation are on the ground, but I could blow in as a hologram (and no one will ask how the **** I just suddenly appeared in a sealed-off base,) not tell anyone in the Resistance that I'm a hologram and act like I'm really there... and I'll stall for time so they can escape (even though I currently have no knowledge that a "we're surrounded" siege situation even exists) but NOT TELL A SINGLE PERSON this is the plan, you know... just them them FIGURE IT OUT (or... not.)"
"Yup... I'll be able to save the day while phoning it in! It's brave. It's Jedi-like. I won't be in any danger if I limit my time doing it (you know pretend to go behind a lump of salt and disappear, then reappear 10 mins later.) While I prepare to do this, I can check in with ghost Yoda and ask why the **** he didn't use this ability when I went to Bespin to face Vader way too early, where could have helped me.... instead of allowing Vader to beat the **** out of me alone. And Ben... he should have just stayed in his hut after we first met, projected himself to Alderaan to let them know about the plans and that Leia is in trouble/captured, not killed as the Empire is saying - what a dumb-*ss; we had to sell my speeder for a ride and all that danger that was TOTALLY unnecessary."
Also in both ESB and ROTJ Luke basically "wins" by just giving up and then seeing what happens next. Falling backwards off the gantry in ESB and throwing his lightsaber away in ROTJ. In both cases he really had no plan for what came next.
Luke instead gives Vader the middle finger and jumps
Well, he wanted to, but then he saw the empty sleeve...then he jumped![]()
Well it’s about to pass Frozen into the # 9 spot where it will remain until IW and IX break 1 billion and push TLJ out of the top 10.
Damn and that’s without China, WITHOUT CHINA!
Impressive, most impressive.
Maybe have Yoda show up there and use his new ghost lightning powers too. It's best to just enjoy the pew pew and say the hell with it.
Not sure what you mean by "Luke basically "wins" by just giving up and then seeing what happens next."