Super Freak
The only other ST figures I would be interested in is TUC figures, which I doubt will happen.
I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement (and it is a prototype), and I realize the standards that are now regularly expected, but the rhetoric on a lot of threads these days is a bit much; "Terrible", "Way off", "Looks NOTHING like him/her". This isn't an exact angle/expression comparison but it's close. I lightened the eyebrows a bit (they are way too dark, although it varied with the makeup application sometimes), but that's it. The ears are off, but that should be an easy fix. Other than that I like it.
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I'll definitely be picking up the TWOK figures, but it occurs to me that their posing options are limited. There was no dynamic scenes in their uniforms, and Khan actually had no direct interaction with Kirk or Spock.
Anyone in the uk in contact with Aaron at planet action figures? I sent him an email a few days ago and he hasn't replied. When I've contacted him before he's always gotten back to me the same day, it's not like him to go quiet like this. He also hasn't replied to his dealer thread since Christmas. I hope he's ok. I'm understandably concerned about my order, but that's small potatoes if he's unwell or dealing with an emergency. It's just very unusual given that he's normally very sharp on communications....
He’s been away ill for about a week. I believe the chairs were arriving to him in 3 waves so it depends when you ordered to when yours would be dispatched. I would strongly recommend joining the PAF Facebook group if you can as he provides regular updates on there and in my experience it’s easier to get a response from him there than by email.
I think with Data it’s a combination of the hairline and his forehead that’s throwing it off. On top of that I think the expression just looks dull and lifeless.