Re: Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th, 2018)
my new waifu?????????? What? Wtf
not grace, the other beach you posted.
my new waifu?????????? What? Wtf
not grace, the other beach you posted.
Again, why is Boba fett a bad ass or feared or anything?
Hes basically a space Fed ex delivery driver. thats all Boba fett is. he follows Han, gets a package, takes the package to the destination. how is not boba fett a glorified Postal worker then?
Why do people love him so much and why do people consider him so cool? because of the outfit? what did the movie show Boba fett do besides delivering a package........
you CANNOT answer about Boba fett without either assuming stuff or your brain filling the gaps in the movie or without a little bit of speculation. we THINK boba fett is a badass because of what we THINK he does when hes not on screen.
Boba Fett has a reputation for things people THINK he can do. NOT from what the movie shows...
all of these connections and ideas you have are in your head after watching the entire movie trilogy. all these things are things the mind created by connecting the dots. the movie didnt show you a lot of the stuff that you are assuming.
The Emperor was just a creepy old guy giving instructions to Vader. he looked frail and sickly. he was like the King in Lord of the rings looks wise, the one being controlled by the evil wizard.
IF you Go by ONLY what the movie shows, before the third movie we only see an old sickly guy in a cloak giving orders to a servant. YOU are the one connecting his power to the fact that he controls vader. we didnt SEE him controlling Vader, we only see him talking to him and giving orders to him. like i said, the movie shows vader as Emperor's secretary.
Then you start assuming all this other stuff, we all do, all fans. your brain creates connections and your brain fills in the gaps. you LITERALLY just proved my point. some of the stuff you just posted is never said or shown in the movie, it is just ASSUMED............
you see how taht works bro?
Yeah....but all those assumptions are based on things in the film....
Nothing in any of the films suggest Lando is Pansexual or whatever everyone is up in arms about...
I think we are arguing the same thing.
One can make assumptions based on the films world and how the characters act with one another. I have never seen anything to suggest any character in SW was gay....well maybe C3Po.
What I am saying is who cares what anyone says outside the actually film and what it represents about the characters.
I mean ask everyone here if they though the Emperor was a powerful dude when they saw OT back in the day?
I always thought Boba Fett was way overrated and basically a snitch and delivery boy, never understood the fascination. Most of it was because he was the secret figure.
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Yeah....but all those assumptions are based on things in the film....
Nothing in any of the films suggest Lando is Pansexual or whatever everyone is up in arms about...
I think we are arguing the same thing.
One can make assumptions based on the films world and how the characters act with one another. I have never seen anything to suggest any character in SW was gay....well maybe C3Po.
What I am saying is who cares what anyone says outside the actually film and what it represents about the characters.
I mean ask everyone here if they though the Emperor was a powerful dude when they saw OT back in the day?
I always thought Boba Fett was way overrated and basically a snitch and delivery boy, never understood the fascination. Most of it was because he was the secret figure.
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Balls, Boba fett barely says "hes worth more to me alive" he says a line.... and he says it in a careful weary manner. He might as well be saying "This delivery needs to be in good condition, I cannot Delivere a damaged product"
hes literally a Fed Ex employee............................... thast what the movie SHOWS US.... and VAder even tells him he will get paid double and he shuts up... thats the end of the "balls" he gets told he will get paid and hes quiet the rest of the time.
Im just saying, if i go By xipotec's logic and judge Boba by what the movie showed. hes just a delivery boy thats worried about his package being damaged.
Lando's robot does reference "her" perceived relationship with him, and does call Lando's interaction with Han "flirting" - and these are pansexual ideas centered on lando. And "her" equality agenda does majorly pay off in the movie, so we are supposed to feel like she has a point about the way she sees the world (ie it's not like she's simply a crackpot who thinks Lando is attracted to her.) The conversation "she" has with Qira seems to infer that a human/droid relationship isn't out of the question in the SW universe, despite Qira's "how would that work?" query.
Lando's (ridiculous) reaction to the robot "dying" - which makes little sense any way you look at it - also infers the death of someone who was close to his heart, not even a sidekick who he'd shared somelaughs and adventures with.
So it's not true to say "nothing in any of the films" suggest the pansexual thing. Kids would walk away from this film with the possibility that Lando and his robot could be a couple, and that's intentional on the part of the filmmakers - and text not subtext.
Saw the Boba conversation - love Boba. Had to break my word and come back in (argh... just when I think I'm free, they pull me back in!).
Here's the relevant part of a post about Boba:
so many people are dismissive of Boba Fett and wonder why the appeal. That's easy to understand today, especially knowing now how Fett was dismisssed by flying accidentally into the Sarlaac pit. But when he first appeared in the Holiday Special, and his movie appearance in ESB, he was mysterious and cool because:
He had all that cool armor.
No one knew what he looked like underneath.
He had all kinds of weapons.
He was a mercenary bounty hunter who liked to disintegrate things (and people).
He was smart and resourceful.
He had a jetpack.
He had a cool ship.
He managed to track Luke, Han and the rest where Vader failed to.
He captured Han Solo, who had managed to evade the Empire, Jabbe the Hutt, Greedo, a bounty hunter on Ord Mantell, and who knows how many others.
His voice in Empire was a cold tinny sneer (too bad it was replaced).
Back then he was a mysterious force to be reckoned with. Before Jedi (which is my least favorite of the original trilogy by far).
Anyway Lucas screwed the pooch and made Boba a joke in Jedi, which is one of multiple reasons I don't exactly love Jedi. A FedEx man couldn't have caught Han Solo (my uncle worked for FedEx and said they throw the packages around like footballs - so apparently they think their jobs are jokes and should have gone in the Sarlaac pit instead.
As for his voice, the original voice was measured when talking to Vader - after all, he knows what Vader is capable of. Killing children, Force choking people on his own side... all that kind of stuff (no, not dangerous at all.... the dude who said he's a secretary, I just gotta wonder where the heck this dude works...).
Anyway, that's my take on Boba. He started out very cool and dangerous, would love to see him get back to that, but I don't think Disney has the creativity any more to do it... more likely he'll sit down around a camp fire and have a sing along with people of every color, gender, religion and preference, showing that even bounty hunters are all inclusive. And he'll say something pan-sexual, gotta make sure of that.
As for assumptions, I always assumed a character (Chewie, Yoda, etc.) was a minority lesbian unless they throw a heterosexual relationship in my face.... clearly Artoo and Threepio both are.![]()
Fake fan alert.
Human replica droids are still canon, just so yall know.
So yeah, you can have sex with a droid.
And yes, they can love.
It's absolutely nothing new to SWEU fans.
I disagree that he sounds measured when talking to Vader. Even if we're operating on that premise he stuck up for himself more than any other Ally of Vader's. Vader straight up told Lando to pray he didn't alter the deal any further. Fett he tells he'll compensate him if solo doesn't survive. Why would Vader agree to pay some bounty Hunter if he didn't have respect for Fett? Even that alone implies Fett is a force to be reckoned with at that point in time.
maybe because of JABBA???????????????
Dont forget Jabba is expecting that cargo. part of that conpensation would have to go to Jabba anyways.
Fake fan alert.
What does he care about some Hutt gangster on the crappy sand pit he grew up in? You're missing the point.
Vader has almost no incentive to follow through on any deal with Fett. He could just as easily watch him choke and jettison solo in to space. He implies to Lando that he would do exactly that to Lando if he continued to complain even.
I think if you're looking for a reason to suspect Fett is a bad ass then it would be Vader's trust and respect for him.
And this concerns Vader for what reason?
Wow, posting the fake Boba Fett voice in clip 2..yikes. Hate it.
Jabba was choked by an improvising half naked Leia. I think Vader could manage.
So this movie is t doing so hot I’m hearing