"The Predator" by Shane Black (2018)

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So the new (Regular-sized) Predator is being called the "Fugitive Predator" (per the NECA toy).

I'm thinking maybe we see the Hulk Predator hunting this guy down obviously? Clan dispute possibly? Who knows...

Looks good, I'm looking forward to it.
You're right, BVS is a masterpiece. If only The Predator were chock-full of melodramatic musings written by an edgy creative writing major with only a single philosophy course to their name, then it too would be worthy of attention. All hail based Snyder, his easily avoidable and over-dramatized conflicts, and his laser battles choreographed by eight year-olds smashing Superman and Batman action figures into each other.

Even his choreography sucks. The action in the nightmare sequence looks really bad....Nolan level choreography.
So the regular-sized Predator is being called the "Fugitive Predator" (per the NECA toy).
Fugitive Perd: "I DIDN'T kill my wife!"
Ultimate Perd: "I don't care."

Would you prefer a traditional edgy poster and a movie about muscle-bound dudes being hunted in a jungle? The franchise has been around for 30 years, I'm personally sick of remakes and "homages." Nothing will ever be as good as the first one, especially not if it's an imitation.
I would prefer movies that doesn't feel like stupid comic books written by a childish mind to suit the need of clueless producers and dumb fanbase. Nowhere I said that I want more of the same. I am the one who likes P2 more than the original because it wasn't typical sequel, remember? :wink1:

I was waiting for a Nike or Adidas logo to show up at the end or something.
:lol :exactly:

It's a sports commercial.

Jeeeez, there's really nothing about this that isn't complete **** is there?
Khem... Tom Jane.

I honestly thought this poster was fanmade.
I know, right? Didn't even got the proportions right.
And what's with the orange background? Why not red?
A comic book inspired poster indeed. :D

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