EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

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Hey MF! Great to hear from you! It's been a while (or maybe I just haven't been active on the same forums as you recently). I still consider you the reason I joined SSF/SF way back in the day!

Anyway, between the two images in the middle, its QMX for the win all day in my book (which is obviously the only book that counts - and assuming that actually is the QMX sculpt 😬). It's a little soft in that photo, but it captures J-L P the best to me, and it's not close.

Thanks. Life has really changed for me over the past 10 years, my collecting has narrowed in subject matter and expense, but I still hang out here.

That is the QMX sculpt, and I agree it's a softer pic, it was the closest I had to similar lighting for comparison, my other shots use more dramatic, TNG promo style lighting.

Sadly I could not afford Locutus when it was released, maybe someday I could obtain it aftermarket, but it's a dream figure.

At this point, any budget for Trek would be reserved to try and get TNG Worf and TWOK Kirk and Spock.

I'm interested in this Picard for a potential upgrade portrait for my QMX figure.

Overall, I don't see enough difference between QMX figure and this to warrant double dipping on an entire figure, but a better portrait that doesn't stain would be nice.
Hmm.... in one of two shots, the likeness is quite good.
But in most of them, it is off.
With TNG Data already in my collection, I don't like the idea to "have to" get this figure because it's my only choice, not because I am impressed by it...
Now that we're seeing some momentum on TNG I'm looking back at what EXO-6 achieved with Voyager and using that formula to imagine how their TNG line is going to look in a year or two. I think it will be very impressive! Something of a dream project unfolding for Star Trek, particularly TNG, fans to see after all these decades.

At this stage we can see Data, La Forge and Picard (and technically we can add Q to the TNG line), now add in just three more primary character figures, like Riker, Worf and Troi and TNG will come together nicely. Add to that some secondary/tertiary characters, like Crusher (Beverly), Crusher (Wesley), Yar – all of which Nanjin has already hinted at in photos – and whichever other memorable or forgotten characters Nanjin decides to throw into the ring, and it will really be something. I know the sequence of releases won't be so linear from primary to secondary/tertiary characters, but however it happens we're only two or three additional releases away from a collection that has real form and meaning to TNG fans.

Last year Nanjin was warning us to save our money for what he was planned and now I feel like he wasn't wrong in that exceptional boasting. I can really feel that pressure starting to take effect. In recent years I cut back my figure collecting a lot (from over 20-25 figures a year down to 10-12), but with lines like TNG, TOS and ST:TWOK teasing us so hard, this is just the kind of sting that will pull me back in and drain me. I'm actually not sure I can afford it without selling other figures and statues I have sitting around.
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This Picard does not photograph well, he looks different in every photo 🤣

I guess we'll only know what the final figure will look like when it's in hand.

Looks great here to me.
View attachment 709122
Yeah it's wild how different it looks shot to shot. Meanwhile, Locutus looked good from every angle.
Maybe the figure in that photo was the uniquely painted prototype and not the production paint? I still feel like I have little idea what this new picard actually looks like. And until I do, I'm not placing an order.
Even though there’s some ambiguity around the final product, TNG Picard is such a central pillar to the entire franchise that Id imagine he’d be a high demand figure and could potentially sell out rather quickly on immediate purchase.

The PO pictures were “OK” for the most part until I saw the paint application from that professional artist (Viola), this has the potential to surpass minimum expectations set in the PO pictures and if it doesn’t its still good enough to leave me content.