EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

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I'm tempted to pick up one of the Locutus heads on toyanxiety and de-Borgify it, but not sure how hard it would be to remove that main headpiece...

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Thankfully the hard parts, the eyes, mouth etc are untouched. So sculpting and shaping the 'under-borg' parts to match the other side should be relatively simple for anyone with a semi decent sculpting ability.

It baffles me how so many of these Exo heads despite having otherwise good sculpts have tiny squinty eyes (especially for characters that should have large expressive eyes) and irises that are way too small. It can completely undo a good sculpt.
Thankfully the hard parts, the eyes, mouth etc are untouched. So sculpting and shaping the 'under-borg' parts to match the other side should be relatively simple for anyone with a semi decent sculpting ability.

It baffles me how so many of these Exo heads despite having otherwise good sculpts have tiny squinty eyes (especially for characters that should have large expressive eyes) and irises that are way too small. It can completely undo a good sculpt.
Agreed! EMH & Kira come immediately to mind.
Received my TNG Data yesterday. For some reason I thought the second head sculpt (with exposed android scalp) had a different expression, but nope they seem to be identical. I must be crazy, but they looked different to my eye in the promo pics.
Received my Data yesterday. He looks really good. I love the way he pops in the display.
You know, everyone talks about the neck staining on the QMX Picard, but I don't see it on mine. Am I blind, or just lucky?
I hate to keep harping on this, but I still think Nanjin went way too dark with the burgundy on these TNG uniforms. As I can't find any pic of the actual costumes that are dark as he has them. Either that or he based everything off the S1-2 uniforms which were a bit darker, both on set and screen.

Which is why I was one of the few who was excited for the "screen color" versions he was planning before, as those would probably be closer to the true set color. Sigh.

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Nanjin has no idea what he's doing when it comes to the colors, which is why he continues to get them wrong and why he gets so triggered when he's challenged on his decisions about them.
He posts about colors daily. Picard's uniform is WAY too dark.
He will never understand this hobby his business is in. He still thinks he's supposed to be making miniature prop replicas instead of making miniature representations of what's seen ON SCREEN. The logic his brain is running on would have hot toys making an iron man figure by having RDJ in a mocap suit wearing pajama bottoms on your shelf. Nanjin thinks he's an expert because he talked to a props guy and that guy told him how the uniforms looked irl when that's not necessarily what's shown on screen, which is why he continues to get the colors wrong. That's why we have a green kirk because in his mind im supposed to go out and find the exact lights used on the set of TMP and shine it at the figure in the exact angle so that on my display it makes the green uniform look grey like how it looks IN THE MOVIE. absolutely brainless
He will never understand this hobby his business is in. He still thinks he's supposed to be making miniature prop replicas instead of making miniature representations of what's seen ON SCREEN. The logic his brain is running on would have hot toys making an iron man figure by having RDJ in a mocap suit wearing pajama bottoms on your shelf. Nanjin thinks he's an expert because he talked to a props guy and that guy told him how the uniforms looked irl when that's not necessarily what's shown on screen, which is why he continues to get the colors wrong. That's why we have a green kirk because in his mind im supposed to go out and find the exact lights used on the set of TMP and shine it at the figure in the exact angle so that on my display it makes the green uniform look grey like how it looks IN THE MOVIE. absolutely brainless
You do realize you are speaking for yourself. There are many of us that prefer prop specific not screen specific.

And he's doing more then just talking to a prop guy, he has gotten samples of some uniforms which he matches.

You have a loden green Admiral Kirk because that is the color of the uniform, it wasn't grey.
Oh boy, the "Command "Gold" " debate again. It's only been going on since the 60's
Geordi is lookin' good! Got mine before it was due. I haven't posed him or done anything with him besides stand him (with some TMNT) and my photography skills suck but here's him on my lunch break:


Best Geordi I'll ever own most likely. 100x better than anything before. The paint is good. The likeness is great (I thought they'd miss the lips and palms but they didn't!). For the price it's totally solid, better than what I was expecting originally.
New (I think) image from his Facebook:

This is the latest version if I understand correctly. Meaning not the one photographed for selling it. Also in the Facebook message he gives a specifics about what camera and color grading and photoshop stuff was used (and gives several versions of this same picture photohoped somewhat to give an example).

I'd say this likeness is pretty darned good. Better than in the photos on the website.
Is it perfect? No. But this is like $200 not like that $2000 Batman Begins insane 1/6 ones with rooted hair and crap. And it wouldn't be worth $1800 to get it from 97% to 99.9% lol.

I say it looks good. I say it looks great. Fair enough if you don't agree.

For fun I put it in photoshop myself to try to see what I'd change (as a non-Expert for funsies heh) and there was very little I could find off. Maybe a few more wrinkles here an there (which could be the lighting). Maybe I'd poof the eyebrows a bit more. Maybe a few more minor things. But I still think it's great.
I'd be happy with that. Foolish to put misleading pics up in the listing. Customers shouldn't have to scavenge pics of the product.
So aside from colour grading and lighting, is that Picard sculpt enhanced with photoshop? His eyes look larger to me here. That’s a great picture.
It's been repainted. From Facebook.

"1st of all, this is the same Picard head sculpt as our product pictures. Both were painted by my favorite in-house painter who only has one eye and was a laughing target among a few "E"xperts. The Picard in the pictures were painted about 2 or 3 weeks ago while the product picture Picard was painted around 4 months ago."
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