Superman (July 11th, 2025)

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Yeah I want to give it the benefit of the doubt, since he's not exactly standing in a heroic pose in these shots... but right now I'd say this is a worse design than anything from the CW shows. The panel lines are way overdone and make him look like some alternate universe Techno-Superman, and those giant red shorts look just as goofy as I expected they would.

Nice to see the yellow S on the cape again though. I did miss that.
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Ooof, it looks awful. I assume they'll get it looking better in the actual movie but even so, how much fancy camerawork and digital editing in post production have past Superman outfits needed?
Yeah... that does not scream "epic" yet.
The design of the suit looks busy for no apparent reason. What I liked about Cavill's suit(s) is that the design, while ornate, didn't make you wonder why those lines and patterns were there, it all looked very organic to the suit itself. This is just "oh, let's put some lines and patterns here and there to give it some structure" without it really making much sense.
That suit is wearing him.

Metamorpho, Guy Gardner, Mr Terrific? So this movie is just a vehicle using Superman, so Gunn can introduce and develop his quirky "We Are Not The Justice League" tongue-in-cheek-League.
This is really what DC/WB (and some lead by the nose fans) are hinging the new DC Cinamitic Universe on :lol

.... does WB even give a damn about DC? :lol

While Marvel was already years into it's 10 to 12th successful film showcasing its myriad of characters and well into possibly the most celebrated shared universe franchise in history - WB/DC was laughably still trying to figure itself out, and still just starting to begin their own.
Which was out the gate an incoherent mess, which needed a reshoot of a reshoot to deliver the final cut, to a franchise launch that was already dead.
Almost a decade later, they are now hiring the guy whose whole approach borders on tongue-in-cheek cynical self-parody of the material, to develop their whole Universe.

WB's Cinematic DCU is little more than self loathing self parody.
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Hard to defend those designs, I must say. . .I expected more from Gunn but not a deal breaker.
Metamorpho, Guy Gardner, Mr Terrific? So this movie is just a vehicle using Superman, so Gunn can introduce and develop his quirky "We Are Not The Justice League" League.
Frankly, a Justice League International/Europe movie from Gunn makes a lot more sense than a Justice League America movie. And from that standpoint, silly outfits are actually a good thing. The hair on Mr. T has to be a joke, right? But. . .not for Superman. Please have G'Nort in a cameo!

Who the hell is Mr. Terrific?
I don't know if you really care, but he's like the equivalent of Mr. Fantastic in DC. Smarter than everybody else. This version has little silver balls that fly around and can do things. The original golden age version looks like he has a huge coupon on his stomach.
I feel like no matter how good the story is, I'm going to spend the entire movie distracted by that awful Superman suit.
Actually love the vibrancy of the red and blues I must say. Plus the S shield on the cape is a win.
You do know the "vibrancy" and any reference or celebration of a more classic Superman, is only going to be used here cynically, to clown him, and make him look irrelevant and out of touch right?
I mean people do get that is where this is going, right?
Yikes... :slap

Yet again, all these panel lines all over the suit.... Just, WHY?? :dunno

All these costume designers are so afraid of negative space..:lol
Lines, lines, everywhere a line.

On the bright side, no leg belts, pockets, or brown leather jacket. Sometimes you have to pick your battles with superhero costumes.

Frankly, a Justice League International/Europe movie from Gunn makes a lot more sense than a Justice League America movie.
Yes it does, cause that is what Gunn is good at, a more tongue-in-cheek parody of the concept they themselves can't imagine anyone taking seriously.

Is that a good way to launch your new Universe?

Please have G'Nort in a cameo!
G'nort (Giffen, DeMatteis, Maguire) , like Gunn today, is the guy you bring in when you have given up on the original concept, or anyone approaching it seriously. You are out of ideas, and you can only do self referential parody of it. Mostly using secondary characters to now mock the classic.
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Yes it does, cause that is what Gunn is good at, a more tongue-in-cheek parody of the concept.

Is that a good way to launch your new Universe?
If you hire James Gunn, then I think this is the way. Palate cleanser to the hodgepodge of mostly mediocre to bad stuff that came out before. Have faith in the audience that they can handle something unconventional and take risks with other moods/approaches later (like the Dark Justice League or whatever). Of course, that only works if it is good and sustainable. I think DC needs to take risks of that sort, however.

All that really matters for me is telling good stories, though.

Having said all that, I actually do think this movie will primarily be an earnest look at Superman, with some wacky side characters. Superman himself cannot be treated as a joke like you can with Garner. But we will see. Metamorpho and Mr. Terrific both have the potential to be treated as really tragic characters.