Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Confused by the dialogue between Sol and Smiley. What kind of master hides their face from their pupil? You should know. At first I thought Sith would be revealed that he was a former padawan of Sol, but I guess it is more connected to the fire we saw in the flashback and whatever really happened that night.
Sith was giving off some Dark Knight Joker vibes. He just wants to do whatever he wants to do as a chaos agent. But is he sith under the rule of two or is he sith-adjacent like how the witches were?
I think HE is the Sith Apprentice, he has a Master. Notice how he says he wants an Acoylyte - not an Apprentice.

He's looking to overthrow his Master, then his Acolyte becomes the new Apprentice with him as the Master.
Holy freaking crap lol
I saw a clip that showed they've gone full X-Men by having the Sith wear a helmet that blocks his mind from being read.

Hopefully they lean into that even further and have the Sith go to Coruscant next episode so that the fat Jedi can chase him by crashing through walls like the Juggernaut, lol.
I agree for the most part but it was the PT that started the escalation, what with Dooku ripping down giant structures in AOTC and Palpatine tossing around those Senate viewing pods in ROTS. Viewed through that lens, Rey & Kylo playing tug of war with that shuttle isn't quite so egregious. But Palpatine on Exegol? That's another story entirely lol...
And let's not forget the whole Yoda twirling around like a rubber ball on acid thing. That ugly-ass "fighting style" should be banned in every galaxy across the civilised universe...
I saw a clip that showed they've gone full X-Men by having the Sith wear a helmet that blocks his mind from being read.

Hopefully they lean into that even further and have the Sith go to Coruscant next episode so that the fat Jedi can chase him by crashing through walls like the Juggernaut, lol.
The only thing he'll be chasing is a bag of peanuts bolted to the floor...
I saw a clip that showed they've gone full X-Men by having the Sith wear a helmet that blocks his mind from being read.

Hopefully they lean into that even further and have the Sith go to Coruscant next episode so that the fat Jedi can chase him by crashing through walls like the Juggernaut, lol.
I was with you until that last part. That fat Jedi running is too ridiculous a concept, even for this show lol...
I think HE is the Sith Apprentice, he has a Master. Notice how he says he wants an Acoylyte - not an Apprentice.
This is my thought too. I think he gets killed in the end by Sol or Osha/Mae, and then the 3 gets done for by the real Sith.

I liked this episode. Has that slasher vibe to it. SmiloRen felt like a real threat.
His “acolyte” line of dialogue delivery was so on the nose, I cringed.

They’re definitely trying to paint Sol as the head sith now which I think will be the huge reveal.

That or the bald green man-woman from the lower Jedi council.

Right, is that what they are, a lower Jedi council where they sit below Yoda.

What kind of crap is that lol
They’re definitely trying to paint Sol as the head sith now which I think will be the huge reveal.

That or the bald green man-woman from the lower Jedi council.
Neither. Sol and the other Jedi were obviously involved in the massacre of the Witches coven. It wasn't just "a fire", nobody was burned but yet they were all dead.
True. But have any of the Terminator movies, as an example, even come remotely close to 1 & 2, regardless of how "big" they went? Nope - not even in the same galaxy. let alone ballpark.
Well, Following Terminator 1 & 2 with something "almost as good", is about as likely as getting struck by lightning three times on the same day. That said, I still find Genisys fairly entertaining...
By far the best DSW is Andor - and that's less. Way less.
By far the best DSW is The Mandalorian s.1 & 2 - and that's more. Way more.

There, I fixed it for you... 😉
Quality script, quality story, quality execution. It's only poor writers that think it needs to go bigger because they don't have the ability to write engaging characters and stories, so they mask it was bells and whistles.
Star Wars always was the very epitome of bells and whistles, so i.m.o. you cannot lose that ingredient and still expect people to love it the way they love the OT. This is a huge part of the reason Andor didn't do nearly as well as Mando. It's simply Star Wars without the "magic". Since none of these qualities are mutually exclusive though, there's absolutely zero reason to accept anything less than top notch stories AND highly entertaining characters. Where people get the energy to keep watching the Acolyte is totally beyond my comprehension...
Kinda reminds me of Ahsoka. Like Ahsoka had some good stuff (Balan Skoll).

Credit where credit is due. But, repetitive ripoffs (trees cut down, heavy breathing); companions cut down and left without even like, taking a moment :thwak ; questionable plot conveniences; and Ms. Jiggle doesn't have the skill set to play two different people.

Also IMO the carnage was excessive, like LH was like - the fall of Qui-Gon? hold my beer. 'Coz this one's really bad. SO BAD. Like, really bad. Just like Vader. :pfft:

Still, with another lead actress, and if every episode had been like this, the series might have been OK. And it's boring sitting around waiting to find out what happened at the temple. I suppose we'll get more scenes with the plank of wood actress Green Bean - and then, since these Jedi are a bit incompetent, we get to see the Council and some MASTER JEDI and either some time warping to explain why nobody in the PT was worried about the Sith or "they have to keep the secret because of politics".

Or some *&^%$ like "we'll just let this serial killer go, 'coz "it's" an aspect of the Force, so it's all A-OK":rolleyes:. I don't care what happens to the twins 'coz of the terrible acting and flip flopping character. Also, what kind of an assassin wouldn't take out an opponent when their back is turned with the little knives.:stake

I've got no hope; but then again, with Filoni approving stuff - the same guy who thought a flat reunion in Ahsoka was just great, when it should have been a huge moment - there's no reason to have any. And even if the "Force is Female" having an entire series apparently depending on, yah know, beaver, is taking it too far.:monkey3
Sign Language Beaver GIF by Sign with Robert
I saw a clip that showed they've gone full X-Men by having the Sith wear a helmet that blocks his mind from being read.

Hopefully they lean into that even further and have the Sith go to Coruscant next episode so that the fat Jedi can chase him by crashing through walls like the Juggernaut, lol.
IMO that was friggin' stupid, along with the dialogue.

Im Not No Way GIF
And I actually laughed at that line. Maybe the best writing in the series, not that that's difficult seeing as how the bar is set lower than a whale's butt.

He had a point. Don't want teenage kids getting brutally murdered? Don't bring them into the situation.
And I actually laughed at that line. Maybe the best writing in the series, not that that's difficult seeing as how the bar is set lower than a whale's butt.

He had a point. Don't want teenage kids getting brutally murdered? Don't bring them into the situation.
The shrug and the way he just doesn't care really sells it :lol.

"You just brutally murdered a child"

"Yeah so what, and I'd do it again"
Not gonna lie though, from the clips I've seen the "discount Ezra Miller" as people are calling him does seem like a pretty cool and charismatic villain with a good look and moves.
And if nothing else, at least Lee Jung-jae is getting deserved respect for giving the series some dignity.

Unlike the nepotism hire Green Bean in the badly fitted costume.