Star Wars: The Acolyte

Collector Freaks Forum

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Audience and critic scores went up 1% somehow.
This has been a master class in how to write something so everyone is rooting for the supposed bad guys. It's like a horror movie where the characters are so irritating you hope they all get eaten.

You're not wrong here. This is like a SW version of "The Blair Witch Project" as far as annoying. At the end I was imploring the ghosts/demons/whatever to finally go ahead and kill the last few characters, their screaming was that aggravating. Thats probably why those spirits were following them around; how could they not, the protagonists were so noisy?

We better be seeing my boy Manny in tomorrow's episode. He is absolutely the only thing worth watching here. I do like Sol, but last week was just a big ol' no. They killed everyone else! Is this GoT crap just like, all over the place now? "Let's kill off the whole cast!"
Although socio-politics has been ingrained in the messaging for this show, I thought it would be important to re-iterate that the code of conduct for this sub-forum still holds for this thread:

E. Controversial Topics (Religion and Politics). Because they are so detrimental to the cohesion of any community, we do not allow the discussion of political/religious views, religious/political figures, or social issues that will inevitably draw members into a heated debate (e.g Evolution/Creationism or the politics behind gun control, abortion, etc). It is unrealistic to believe that a religious or political viewpoint won’t work its way onto the site in some fashion (e.g mentioning you will pray for a sick member). It is important to remember that the purpose of this policy is not to limit your ability to express your beliefs but to limit the division often caused by discussing/debating differing points of view regarding these subjects.

I understand that this might be disappointing for some. But, if you wish to have deeper discussions or debates about the show's intent or agendas, feel free to have them in The DEI/Political Thread. It's a private thread, so you'll have to message @Yoda for permission to post there.

If you've noticed that any of your posts here (as they relate to socio-politics) have disappeared, then they've likely been moved to that thread.
Although socio-politics has been ingrained in the messaging for this show, I thought it would be important to re-iterate that the code of conduct for this sub-forum still holds for this thread:

E. Controversial Topics (Religion and Politics). Because they are so detrimental to the cohesion of any community, we do not allow the discussion of political/religious views, religious/political figures, or social issues that will inevitably draw members into a heated debate (e.g Evolution/Creationism or the politics behind gun control, abortion, etc). It is unrealistic to believe that a religious or political viewpoint won’t work its way onto the site in some fashion (e.g mentioning you will pray for a sick member). It is important to remember that the purpose of this policy is not to limit your ability to express your beliefs but to limit the division often caused by discussing/debating differing points of view regarding these subjects.

I understand that this might be disappointing for some. But, if you wish to have deeper discussions or debates about the show's intent or agendas, feel free to have them in The DEI/Political Thread. It's a private thread, so you'll have to message @Yoda for permission to post there.

If you've noticed that any of your posts here (as they relate to socio-politics) have disappeared, then they've likely been moved to that thread.

So to summarize: this forum's about movies/shows, but no discussion or debate about the movie/show's intent is allowed, even if "socio-politics has been ingrained in the messaging" for the show.

And if you want to discuss the show's intent or messaging, it can only be done in hidden-from-view "dark rooms" that require special access.
So to summarize: this forum's about movies/shows, but no discussion or debate about the movie/show's intent is allowed, even if "socio-politics has been ingrained in the messaging" for the show.

And if you want to discuss the show's intent or messaging, it can only be done in hidden-from-view "dark rooms" that require special access.

If the intent or messaging involves discussing socio-politics, topics critical of DEI or anything of that nature, then it'll have to go into the DEI/Political thread. You'll just have to use your common sense, in regards to that.

Does this mean we're forbidden from discussing The Force? After all, it's canon that it's a "hokey religion". Or does the restriction only apply to real hokey The Thread? :chase


Only real-life religions (e.g. religion's role in current events, discussions about it that can be viewed as divisive, proselytizing, etc).
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Yeah I would agree about deleting instead of moving. Now I have a post somewhere I can't even view. But I'm fine with it being deleted if I was out of line.
LOL the evils perpetuated by this show are so extreme, they keep the mods awake at night, collectors are sadly barbecuing their Jar-Jar figs, and a MIASMA on the board - the sense of looming dread, knowing that whatever the writers have managed to expel, it will involve bad music, horrific editing, Sol crying, and a naked Sith in a Kylo knock-off helmet hooking up with Ms. Jiggle who becomes the Mother of the Sith and Palp's great grandmother....and the ancestor of Rey. :yuck

But I'm feelin' cheerful myself. It's like knowing in 24 hours the root canal will be over.

Then BALANCE will be restored; I can get on with bashing Amazon's ROP, looking forward to the Skeleton Crew trailer, and on the horizon Andor. Just to be perverse think I will re-watch every other SW except this show, as it sinks to the list of Disney's biggest debacles.:chug
LOL the evils perpetuated by this show are so extreme, they keep the mods awake at night, collectors are sadly barbecuing their Jar-Jar figs, and a MIASMA on the board - the sense of looming dread, knowing that whatever the writers have managed to expel, it will involve bad music, horrific editing, Sol crying, and a naked Sith in a Kylo knock-off helmet hooking up with Ms. Jiggle who becomes the Mother of the Sith and Palp's great grandmother....and the ancestor of Rey. :yuck

But I'm feelin' cheerful myself. It's like knowing in 24 hours the root canal will be over.

Then BALANCE will be restored; I can get on with bashing Amazon's ROP, looking forward to the Skeleton Crew trailer, and on the horizon Andor. Just to be perverse think I will re-watch every other SW except this show, as it sinks to the list of Disney's biggest debacles.:chug
I have read this post over about 5 times and have decided that it's a kind of lyrical brilliance. Just saying...
Does this mean we're forbidden from discussing The Force? After all, it's canon that it's a "hokey religion". Or does the restriction only apply to real hokey The Thread? :chase

I'm not sure I fully understood the point that is being made about religion here. However, I'm still offended enough to demand that this blasphemous content be relegated to the "dark side" of the forum, and that the so called "Buffinator" is banished for at least a week to learn some manners...
I'm not sure I fully understood the point that is being made about religion here. However, I'm still offended enough to demand that this blasphemous content be relegated to the "dark side" of the forum, and that the so called "Buffinator" is banished for at least a week to learn some manners...
It seems that you actually got the tongue-planted-firmly-in-cheek nature of my inquiry, whereas it appears to have flown right over our super moderator's head. Alas, his reflexes do not appear to be Drax-like. :lol
Disney blows. Seeing the total minutes, ratings, I interest not just Acolytes but Star Wars in general is finished.

It's a property that is a shell. Disney will not stop with their next project...

Eventually they'll do something good 5 yrs from not, but much like Andor, no one would care.