Star Wars Saga (OT/PT/ST) Discussion Thread

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Just makes you wonder what she was doing during the OT. But sure ... big galaxy.
I will always maintain that the walking retcon that is Ahsoka was a mistake. Making the stupid retcon that an apprentice can suddenly have an apprentice of their own was bad, but it opened a whole can of worms trying to explain where she was all the time through the PT (ROTS) and OT, even the ST.

I know some folk grew to like her but she should have been a "what if?" character at most, preferably never created as Anakins retcon apprentice. If she was introduced as someone elses apprentice and then stuck around due to, say, her master dying that could have worked fine, and if she died (and stayed dead) that could have been a powerful character shaping event for Anakin that helped solidify his desire for power and to save those he loved. But that would require Filoni to give up his favourite toy, something he just can't do.
Why did they create the character of Ahsoka in the first place for the Clone Wars? I mean they already had Obi-Wan and Anakin. They could simply bring in any Jedi from the PT they wanted to feature in episodes but I don't see why they needed to give Anakin an apprentice.
I will always maintain that the walking retcon that is Ahsoka was a mistake. Making the stupid retcon that an apprentice can suddenly have an apprentice of their own was bad, but it opened a whole can of worms trying to explain where she was all the time through the PT (ROTS) and OT, even the ST.

I know some folk grew to like her but she should have been a "what if?" character at most, preferably never created as Anakins retcon apprentice. If she was introduced as someone elses apprentice and then stuck around due to, say, her master dying that could have worked fine, and if she died (and stayed dead) that could have been a powerful character shaping event for Anakin that helped solidify his desire for power and to save those he loved. But that would require Filoni to give up his favourite toy, something he just can't do.
100%. It's actually been a long time since I gave her any thought, and your point about the PT is jarring. I guess we're to believe she left the order just prior to ROTS?

But does the time elapsed during the Clone Wars cartoon cover the gap between AOTC and ROTS? It seems longer but I don't know much about it.
100%. It's actually been a long time since I gave her any thought, and your point about the PT is jarring. I guess we're to believe she left the order just prior to ROTS?

But does the time elapsed during the Clone Wars cartoon cover the gap between AOTC and ROTS? It seems longer but I don't know much about it.
the clone wars covers the gap between ep2 and ep3 but also goes post order 66 so they had to have her and Rex away on Mandalore fighting Maul during ROTS to explain her absense. Then Anakin and Obi forgot her, Rex and Mauls existence during ROTS....
And finally maybe Andor, but we have yet to see it's conclusion with s2 and how it leads into Rogue One. So far I can easily ignore it as well.
I have a lot of faith that Gilroy will stick that landing, I mean he did oversee the changes on RO. He better, or …
Why did they create the character of Ahsoka in the first place for the Clone Wars? I mean they already had Obi-Wan and Anakin. They could simply bring in any Jedi from the PT they wanted to feature in episodes but I don't see why they needed to give Anakin an apprentice.
She was a random padawan that Filoni designed for another Jedi master that he originally envisioned the show to be about. George saw the designs and told Filoni that he wanted the show to follow the main characters from the movies but liked the look of Ahsoka so much he instructed Filoni to shoehorn her in as Anakin's apprentice.
You can even keep Mando Season 2 and just pretend that Ahsoka is a lone random PT Jedi that survived the purge. She never specifically says she was an apprentice of Anakin's in that episode if I remember correctly.
Just makes you wonder what she was doing during the OT. But sure ... big galaxy.
As of now I'm assuming that Yoda had her on a covert mission to eradicate all other characters from The Acolyte (and their descendants, padawans, acolytes, etc.) that might still be alive 100 years later lol...
As of now I'm assuming that Yoda had her on a covert mission to eradicate all other characters from The Acolyte (and their descendants, padawans, acolytes, etc.) that might still be alive 100 years later lol...
Then Yoda killed her himself so he would be the only one that new and just bury it...

No loose ends.

So they are including the villains from the mobile game from few years back

Possibly, I missed those.

If only they hadn't wasted Thrawn on Ahsoka ( :chase ) they could have used him in this era where he belongs.

For those who came in late, Poe was conceived during the Endor victory celebrations. His dad wore himself down to a nub-nub.
Why did they create the character of Ahsoka in the first place for the Clone Wars? I mean they already had Obi-Wan and Anakin. They could simply bring in any Jedi from the PT they wanted to feature in episodes but I don't see why they needed to give Anakin an apprentice.
Has there been an explanation to why spirit Anakin wistfully looks over Ashoka, but made zero effort with his own son and daughter in the ST?
Has there been an explanation to why spirit Anakin wistfully looks over Ashoka, but made zero effort with his own son and daughter in the ST?
That's the second most shocking dropped ball of the ST in my mind.

The first was not reuniting the core OT heroes.

The second was not having Hayden Anakin interact with Hamill Luke. That would have created such a bridge between the two trilogies, much moreso than that awkward ROTJ edit with the Force ghosts on Endor.