InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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It will be easily remedied with some double sided tape.

Ideally it needs to be wired at the top which stops fairly abruptly to not hamper the natural drape.

Looking forward to you spending some time to futz with it. Really curious to see its potential.

With the limited time you did spend with it, were there wires around the shoulder portion of the cape?
Looking forward to you spending some time to futz with it. Really curious to see its potential.

With the limited time you did spend with it, were there wires around the shoulder portion of the cape?

Thanks man. I’ll get time to this weekend and will post the results.

No wires at all anywhere. Could probably implement some in the shoulder section so I may try that. 👍🏻
My favorite picture yet of this figure. Beautiful!

Drape cape arrived. Just quickly threw it on so will need to tape it down over the shoulders but very happy to finally have a decent hanging cape!

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I guess in the end accuracy isn't on the cards with this cape sadly. Though I'll be OK with this or Jaxon cape as the main for the HT and InArt until I can have the HT redone to be slightly more accurate.
Been taking my time getting through the All In set to really try to futz everything as best as I can.

Started with the Bruce Wayne figure and it’s got to be the best sculpt in my collection (still haven’t opened InArt Gandalf.)
It just looks so natural; the skin tone is very realistic- leaps and bounds beyond anything I have from HT, the micro texture of his stubble is just enough to be notable but not overbearing, the eyebrows are sculpted so well that a very simple paint app is all they require, and the eyes are fitted pretty perfectly. They’ve got a nice glassy, wet look that has me wondering just how much more realistic JND can get at this scale by using glass.

The rooted hair is extremely tidy and kind of like a real world interpretation of the classic Lego hair-helmet.
I think IA have switched up the type of glue used from Joker and are definitely using a different type of styling product since Bruce has a very matte look. There are visible areas of dried glue that can look like giant dandruff.
I ended up prying a long clump of hair at the back of the head when trying to access the eyes and haven’t been able to properly stick it back down since.
I think they may have used hairspray to fix this style which could explain the slight gloss to the skin but also means I wouldn’t be able to restyle this just using water as I did with Joker.
I would like to go for a slightly messier, windblown look but I think restyling Bruce is a much riskier endeavour than Joker.

I also found getting to and positioning the eyes to be quite a chore. Removing the back piece means you will need to spend quite a bit of time after replacing it to tidy the hair up again with water. I was even applying gel to try and get it to stick back down.

The eye pegs are also tough to access. I didn’t see a tool to help but I’d definitely appreciate one in future.

My only problem with the clothing is the blazer button hole. This can pop open far too easily.
I like that it does up like a real jacket, I just wish it held more firmly. A smaller hole or a button sewed in with a little more room to hook onto the hole would hold more securely.

Magnets are definitely weaker than Joker and he only has one in each foot. The base look great but wow, that magnet contraption is a POS.
Even with movable magnets, foot positions are still very limited. They need to figure this gimmick out asap.

The only other thing I’d like was if the cufflinks were easier to pull out for display. They’re a great little detail that I want to see more clearly.

Let’s look at some pictures.



Next up: The Bat-suit.
I love this thing. It’s glorious.
So detailed. So proportionate!
The weirdest thing is the underlying body. That baffles me and I’ll explain why in a moment.

First, I wanted to immediately tackle those puny biceps- and by Joe are they puny.

Getting the suit off is easy. A little snip of a stitch at the top of each back zipper and Bob’s your uncle.

Look at those twigs.
I cut some thin foam to wrap tape around his biceps and shoulders to maintain articulation and it worked a treat.
I had to halve the initial amount I’d used since the armour wouldn’t slide back on.


This also gave me a chance to really test out and in the joints, which are super stiff.
I can understand concerns that the shoulder is broken simply because of how hard the body can be to move.
Also, because of where the actual shoulder joint ends up in relation to the shoulder armour when fully suited up, users are likely to be manipulating the wrong area.

The actual shoulder joints sit in the circled area

Weird right?
This probably also makes pushing the shoulder pads on more difficult since the area where the shoulder should be on the suit is essentially hollow.

All that foam padding to raise his traps but no thought given to the shoulders now being far too low.

I assume IA figured very few will be trying to position the arms in a raised position so it’s no biggy, and allows them to reuse parts.

He does great in a museum pose but a properly, purpose build body would be much better for posing.

Anyways, all dressed up with fuller biceps-

This is as far as I’ve got with my Bat-suit futzing but I’m just loving staring at it. It looks so much like a miniature guy in a suit.
How previous photos have made it look so toyish or disproportionate is beyond me and my pathetic iPhone 8 camera.

Also, since I know the cape basically just sucks all round, I’m in no rush to finish suiting him up.

Really hoping for a solid custom effort to come along now more people are receiving their figures.

Maybe I’ll bust out the panda eyes Wayne over the weekend.

‘All In’ all, I am most satisfied
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Been taking my time getting through the All In set to really try to futz everything as best as I can.

Started with the Bruce Wayne figure and it’s got to be the best sculpt in my collection (still haven’t opened InArt Gandalf.)
It just looks so natural; the skin tone is very realistic- leaps and bounds beyond anything I have from HT, the micro texture of his stubble is just enough to be notable but not overbearing, the eyebrows are sculpted so well that a very simple paint app is all they require, and the eyes are fitted pretty perfectly. They’ve got a nice glassy, wet look that has me wondering just how much more realistic JND can get at this scale by using glass.

The rooted hair is extremely tidy and kind of like a real world interpretation of the classic Lego hair-helmet.
I think IA have switched up the type of glue used from Joker and are definitely using a different type of styling product since Bruce has a very matte look. There are visible areas of dried glue that can look like giant dandruff.
I ended up prying a long clump of hair at the back of the head when trying to access the eyes and haven’t been able to properly stick it back down since.
I think they may have used hairspray to fix this style which could explain the slight gloss to the skin but also means I wouldn’t be able to restyle this just using water as I did with Joker.
I would like to go for a slightly messier, windblown look but I think restyling Bruce is a much riskier endeavour than Joker.

I also found getting to and positioning the eyes to be quite a chore. Removing the back piece means you will need to spend quite a bit of time after replacing it to tidy the hair up again with water. I was even applying gel to try and get it to stick back down.
View attachment 717806
The eye pegs are also tough to access. I didn’t see a tool to help but I’d definitely appreciate one in future.

My only problem with the clothing is the blazer button hole. This can pop open far too easily.
I like that it does up like a real jacket, I just wish it held more firmly. A smaller hole or a button sewed in with a little more room to hook onto the hole would hold more securely.

Magnets are definitely weaker than Joker and he only has one in each foot. The base look great but wow, that magnet contraption is a POS.
Even with movable magnets, foot positions are still very limited. They need to figure this gimmick out asap.

The only other thing I’d like was if the cufflinks were easier to pull out for display. They’re a great little detail that I want to see more clearly.

Let’s look at some pictures.
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Next up: The Bat-suit.
I love this thing. It’s glorious.
So detailed. So proportionate!
The weirdest thing is the underlying body. That baffles me and I’ll explain why in a moment.

First, I wanted to immediately tackle those puny biceps- and by Joe are they puny.

Getting the suit off is easy. A little snip of a stitch at the top of each back zipper and Bob’s your uncle.
View attachment 717818
Look at those twigs.
I cut some thin foam to wrap tape around his biceps and shoulders to maintain articulation and it worked a treat.
I had to halve the initial amount I’d used since the armour wouldn’t slide back on.
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View attachment 717821
This also gave me a chance to really test in the joints, which are super stiff.
I can understand concerns that the shoulder is broken simply because of how hard the body can be to move.
Also, because of where the actual shoulder joint ends up in relation to the shoulder armour when fully suited up, users are likely to be manipulating the wrong area.

The actual shoulder joints sit in the circled area
View attachment 717826
Weird right?
This probably also makes pushing the shoulder pads on more difficult since the area where the shoulder should be on the suit is essentially hollow.

All that foam padding to raise his traps but no thought given to the shoulders now being far too low.

I assume IA figured very few will be trying to position the arms in a raised position so it’s no biggy, and allows them to reuse parts.

He does great in a museum pose but a properly, purpose build body would be much better for posing.

Anyways, all dressed up with fuller biceps-
View attachment 717823

This is as far as I’ve got with my Bat-suit futzing but I’m just loving staring at it. It looks so much like a miniature guy in a suit.
How previous photos have made it look so toyish or disproportionate is beyond me and my pathetic iPhone 8 camera.

Also, since I know the cape basically just sucks all round, I’m in no rush to finish suiting him up.
View attachment 717824

Really hoping for a solid custom effort to come along now more people are reviving their figures.

Maybe I’ll bust out the panda eyes Wayne over the weekend.

‘All In’ all, I am most satisfied
Nice work Ch0pper.

Are the arms really stiff?
More so than your average 1/6 body?
Nice work Ch0pper.

Are the arms really stiff?
More so than your average 1/6 body?
Not every joint. I’ve also had a similar experience with HT ROTS Anakin.

The shoulders have a butterfly, shrug, swivel, and hinge joint for lateral raises, which is the tight one and will cause issues due to the joint being lower than you’d expect to find it underneath the suit.
I considered adding a dab of silicone based lubricant to the shoulders to butter them up a bit, but I won’t be doing any extreme poses with this so decided against it.

My right arm elbow is so tight it squeaks.

I can’t remember if you’ve undone the suit on yours to investigate but I’d recommend it to get a real good look at the joints and to understand how everything moves.
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Not every joint. I’ve also had a similar experience with HT ROTS Anakin.

The shoulders have a butterfly, shrug, swivel, and hinge joint for lateral raises, which is the tight one and will cause issues due to the joint being lower than you’d expect to find it underneath the suit.
I considered adding a dab of silicone based lubricant to the shoulders to butter them up a bit, but I won’t be doing any extreme poses with this so decided against it.

My right arm elbow is so tight it squeaks.

I can’t remember if you’ve undone the suit on yours to investigate but I’d recommend it to get a real good look at the joints and to understand how everything moves.

My right arm squeaks also.
Just an FYI, the Wayne coat DOES stain PVC, and the hands are not bagged in the box. I have some mold dye transfer on a right hand. Make sure you have a buffer or bring the collar of his coat away from his neck. @Chopper Face, not sure if you have an actual hand in the outer pocket or if you're doing the hand-less trick, but just want you to know.

I do really like the BW figure. I think it's a sleeper and many will have let it go. Likeness is very strong as well, and there's a lot of nice detail work in the hands with unique sculpts.

I will say though that this figure reinforces my opinion that short hair does not translate well to rooting. I think, from what I've seen, I much prefer the sculpted hair more that does the job, even looking better in many regards on BW. I will have to make a more definite call when I get my Potter figures, though, as I was strong armed into rooted for the display bases.
I'm not impressed with the "rooting" on the Bruce Wayne figure. It seems like a mass of wool that they just glued to the sculpt. I guess I'll see how it can be restyled if and when I get mine.
I'm not impressed with the "rooting" on the Bruce Wayne figure. It seems like a mass of wool that they just glued to the sculpt. I guess I'll see how it can be restyled if and when I get mine.
His hair was like that in the film though...

Literally looks like someone just slapped a wig on him

does anyone have an order with sanctum toys? did you get invoiced?
I ordered the Batsignal with Sanctum. Nothing yet. I'm kind of skeptical of them, but thought it was worth a shot with what the Batsignal costs. I have until mid October to file a dispute with PayPal, or probably until mid April next year with my credit card.
does anyone have an order with sanctum toys? did you get invoiced?
I have one preordered there. They said first batch mid August, but we’ll see. I have a later batch with OSK so not worried about getting one.

Their customer service has been very nice. They were able to transfer my Gandalf preorder to someone else with ease. But they still haven’t gotten their last shipment of Gandalfs. (Stayed in touch with the guy that purchased it). So again we’ll wait and see.

According to their Instagram it looks like the owner has had some health issues. So I can imagine that causes delays in a small shop.

Additionally, it looks like they don’t get their inventory directly from InArt, but from a distributor.

I have everything preorder with OSK but wanted two Batman for display. Moving forward I’ll just stick with Kit. He was just sold out for the extra I wanted.
His hair was like that in the film though...

Literally looks like someone just slapped a wig on him


I understand he has that style but looking at the sculpt closely, it just looks like Inart took one whole wool piece and parted it to the sides and glued it down rather than layering it making it look more natural. It is quite glaring at where the hair parts since it doesn't look like the strands come from the scalp like how it is on an actual head.

It'll be a while before I get mine so by then hopefully we'll see more in-hand photos that attempted to restyle it.