JND/Kojun Works - 1/6 Harry Potter Line

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The silicone version of Ron looks younger than the plastic version! My issues with the other two portraits (Harry's just off, Hermione's big nose and slightly too mischievous expression) haven't really changed.

But that Quidditch Harry portrait... good on them for not just reusing the head from the regular, but that's a step down, and the regular wasn't a home run to begin with.

Also, it's kind of disappointing that the Nimbus 2000 is entirely sculpted after seeing Inart's mixed media broomstick, which looks fantastic, considering the crazy detailing on the other JND accessories. It doesn't look that much more realistic than Star Ace's Nimbus 2000 from ten years ago.

The rooted hair looks fantastic, though. Very fine detail and very realistic layering.
Hermione’s is still my favorite but I think Harry’s looks much better in silicone. Oddly, I think the plastic version of Ron is better than the silicone.

That said, I think Quidditch Harry’s sculpt is a big miss in my eyes.

I’m still content with my InArt orders, but I do sort of wish I could get that Hermione sculpt. To me, that is much closer than InArt’s version. Not that InArt’s is bad by any means.
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Quidditch Harry looks great.

I think they all came out looking brilliant. The silicone shines a lot better with Ron's portrait.

Tempted to get a quidditch Harry and a Snape. For me that would be the best Harry Potter representation.
I find the silicone versions weirder than the sculpted, Joker I was impressed with these I just find disturbing. I will say I do really like the quidditch version.

Likeness wise Harry and Ron look like they are from wish.com and Hermione looks pretty decent.


If I had not already ordered the inart trio with rooted hair then the silicone gang from JND would really give me pause for thought. I think the JND Hermione is better and Ron looks good in silicone with rooted hair, possibly better. Harry looks ok in silicone with rooted hair but like Ron a bit of a miss in the regular version. I think JND's rooting is superior. Gah why did they do this as it's taken the shine off the inart ones and it's going to split the market and probably cause both lines to die off prematurely.

That hermione really is good though but if I were to get it on its own then it would be out of place in silicone with differences in the school uniform tailoring across the two Brand's.

I mean, overall, this looks pretty spot-on for all of them, they look real. Inarts you can tell are toys without any warmth, for me, I'd go for this if purchasing and a die-hard Harry Potter fan.

There's life in these sculpts, so depends what you want. Going from these to looking at Inarts I actually feel the opposite to initial impressions where there was too much energy from these and too much warmth, by comparison now Inarts doesn't have enough joy of warmth, very cold and expressionless.
Totally the opposite for me.
InArts seem much more realistic.

The JNDs, in addition to having a less accurate sculpt, have a painting that gives them a wax doll appearance, and a pinkish skin tone that I don't like at all and which is in no way realistic.
JND's paint gives them a creepy look.

InArt in addition to having a much better Likeness, has a realistic painting and more details on the face and skin, the photos speak for themselves (Note that for Hermione the comparison is made with the 1st version of InArt, not the one they improved)
Comparatif 001.png
Comparatif 002.png
Comparatif 003.png

And above all, for InArt we know quality and we know that the Harry came out is exactly the same quality as the prototype.
For JND we have no idea what their mass production will look like
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JND's may "look real" as Gary says, and they do have lively expressions, but do they look like the actors?

I'd argue that Inart's Harry and Ron are stronger portraits, definitely so with Harry, and Inart's Ron looks happier to me with JND's looking a little... resigned? The Inart one looks like it has a bit more humour to it, while JND's looks suited to a pose where he's shrugging or something like that. Both expressions suit Ron's character, but the touch of melancholy in JND Ron's expression makes it a bit less attractive to me than the more cheery Inart one.

With Hermione it's closer, but without high quality pictures of Inart's updated version it's hard to tell. I do think that JND's Hermione has got just a little bit too much of a glint in her eye - too mischievous, which doesn't really suit the character that well at this point in the series. Inart's expression is more of a happy medium between a blank expression and the strong emotion of the JND portrait.

The fact that the JND figures look "more real" actually might work against them in a sense, because if they're not perfect likenesses they fall into the uncanny valley more easily.
Wow. That Quidditch version looks embarrassingly bad to me. Sculpt is way off and the robes are way too bright orange. I’m surprised that one is getting a pass by so many people, I’m starting to think a lot of collectors haven’t seen those first two films anytime recently. Half of the comparisons I’ve been seeing on FB aren’t even Radcliffe from Sorcerer’s Stone but rather Chamber of Secrets.
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