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DHL have finally picked up the parcel, so it's actually happening now.

And already the crappy DHL "machine" goes into operation - I got an email saying they were delivering it to a pick-up station 90mins drive away - so had to "accept with no signature" in order to get it sent to the original address specified. Then their website said I had to pay taxes, and their system doesn't recognise the tracking/waybill number. Gave an alternate website to try again, and they insist on sending a text to our landline (yeah - right - that'll work!)

So I clicked on the original shipment email, and it's still sitting in China :slap

I HATE DHL !!!!!!! :lol

And already the crappy DHL "machine" goes into operation - I got an email saying they were delivering it to a pick-up station 90mins drive away - so had to "accept with no signature" in order to get it sent to the original address specified. Then their website said I had to pay taxes, and their system doesn't recognise the tracking/waybill number. Gave an alternate website to try again, and they insist on sending a text to our landline (yeah - right - that'll work!)

So I clicked on the original shipment email, and it's still sitting in China :slap

I HATE DHL !!!!!!! :lol


I got an email from them 20 minutes ago titled "WON'T BE AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY?"

You can quickly and easily choose a delivery option that fits your schedule for your DHL Express shipment.

Choose from a no signature / non-contact delivery, collecting at one of our nearby Service Points or other options by clicking "Change delivery".

There's a link to change the delivery, which leads to a tracking page that states:

Estimated delivery​

Date not available

How would I know I'm not going to be available for delivery when they don't even know when they're going to deliver? My crystal ball is just as broken as theirs. :lol

The parcel's currently in Shenzen, China.

I got a DHL shipping notice a few days ago, then another today for authorization of delivery without signature. There isn't any update on the tracking, nor any noticeable movement on the parcel's progress through the system or any indication of travel through their checkpoints. I doubt these MacReadys are ready to be are arriving very soon.

My guess is it's just all of our tracking numbers scanned and into their system with a shipping container being loaded somewhere in China. We're just getting the protocol that our parcels are in the process of happening, but it could be several days before there's real movement across the ocean.

Not quite the courier service (i.e. parcel ships and shows up at our door within 48 hours) that we're used to. I've had this happen with DHL international Ebay shipments before where the parcel arrives one or two weeks after they have it in their tracking system. Of course, it could show up tomorrow and I'll eat my words and let you all roast me for it.