Star Wars: The Acolyte

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It's gone! All gone!!!

Just like the gif of the witches big O and death.

Yes please remove that abysmal series the main actress deserves nothing less.

Supposedly fans of the show are complaining that Disney is not doing enough to help her with the online hate that she is receiving.

I knew that was false as soon as I saw the words “fans of the show”, no such thing exists lol

Maybe if she wasn’t so obnoxious, condescending and hostile towards the core fanbase with accusations,generalizations, and character assassinations people would be more respectful towards her.

Boo Hoo Too Bad So Sad.
It's gone! All gone!!!

Just like the gif of the witches big O and death.

Well I have it on good authority that they were all faking their Big Os anyway (I guess The Thread rubbed them the wrong way?) so it's completely valid to go forward pretending it never really happened. :lecture
It says a billion to build at each location. So that's 2 billion for the 2x Galaxy Edge parks... and up to another 3rd billion for that crappy hotel.
Yes but as I stated above the one in Orlando is already paid for. I’d need to check Disneylands sales. Hard part with that is the way the park is set up. No way of really separating if people are going for Galaxies Edge, other parts of the park, or a combination. The one in Orlando is at one specific park with the only draws really being Galaxies Edge and Toy Story Land so it’s easier to tell if SW is the draw for that park.

Starcruiser though was a loss. Unsure how much they actually recouped from that. Going from memory they had like 100 rooms with the price of 5k per room. For the first few months and the last few months they were at capacity so roughly 500k per experience with maybe 10 experiences per month. Maybe 5 million for those months when at capacity? Really rough number though with no research.
Yes please remove that abysmal series the main actress deserves nothing less.

Supposedly fans of the show are complaining that Disney is not doing enough to help her with the online hate that she is receiving.

She doesn't seem very intelligent, but then again, most actors aren't.

I thought this cartoon was over the top though. I may not agree with her political views, but there's no denying she's a very attractive woman. With a slamming body.

I want Disney to pull a Romulus and make an "everything-and-the-kitchen-sink" movie with Mando, Krennic, Saw, one orgasmic witch, Grogu, ducktroopers, Luke's hand, Syril's mom, that black Sandperson, Pelli and a Jawa orgy, Bo-Katan, Gideon supertrooper, pirate king Shard, screaming Hux, lil Leia, Jack Black, Lizzo and Gina Carano... in one movie that all makes sense.

Fede can direct.
I want Disney to pull a Romulus and make an "everything-and-the-kitchen-sink" movie with Mando, Krennic, Saw, one orgasmic witch, Grogu, ducktroopers, Luke's hand, Syril's mom, that black Sandperson, Pelli and a Jawa orgy, Bo-Katan, Gideon supertrooper, pirate king Shard, screaming Hux, lil Leia, Jack Black, Lizzo and Gina Carano... in one movie that all makes sense.

Fede can direct.
Amd every 5 mins cut to Filoni O facing whenever Ahsoka shows up in a scene uninvited
I think it's idiotic. Was is not very good? Yeah. But I didn't think it was outright bad.
At the VERY LEAST, it got us the first canonical look of Plagueis and for that and way the plot twist and for that Smilo Ren (always forget the name):
it should stay, or at least just finish the story in a 2nd, may it be shorter, season.
There is no merrit in killing something before it's even released and then have some undead media just lying there.