1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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Haven't took any photos since I got it.
So photo time with new base and riser.


Restyling the hair today for a rougher, more natural look. Stock hair arrives quite clumped together, with loose strands appearing overly thick. Still too volumous, but challenging to solve without having scissors involved due to the remaining sculpted hair beneath raising the entire hair piece. Definitely possible however to improve the out of box look with a little futzing!

Restyling the hair today for a rougher, more natural look. Stock hair arrives quite clumped together, with loose strands appearing overly thick. Still too volumous, but challenging to solve without having scissors involved due to the remaining sculpted hair beneath raising the entire hair piece. Definitely possible however to improve the out of box look with a little futzing!

View attachment 722713
It's quite straightforward, just need some patience as the out of box hair almost feels like it's styled with super glue.

I start by using a small paint brush soaked in water and run along areas i want to separate (which is most of it in this case), and let it sit a few minutes. Then with a toothpick start separating the clumped together hair into smaller strands, being very careful to not pull on the glued areas. The hair at this point overall looks quite fluffy. With a small paint brush again i then use a very strong hair gel, small amounts at a time on the brush, to brush through parts of the hair i want to style, one area at a time. Using the brush and toothpick for fine placement i shape the hair until its matching a chosen reference. That's about it really. I will probably end up spraying mine with a strong hairspray at some point, to really set it - of course covering the face and clothes as hairsprays usually contain alcohols and other ingredients that could damage anything other than the hair.
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Well… I tried to take a stab at it. Nowhere near as awesome as others’ on here, but oh my is it so much more natural now. I tried my best in eliminating the caked on, crusty clumps. I’ve always loved the disheveled, flared out hair look for Ledger Joker, so that’s why I styled it that way. I’m glad I now I have strands of hair falling over the side of his face now too.

I didn’t take a before picture today as I just dove right into it, but as you can see, it used to have a very fixed and hardened look before, which I feel is gone now. I’ll probably come back to it later but for now, I think it’s better!

Nice job, what did you use to style it?
Nice! Far more natural. Really helps the likeness when you have some thin strands at the side of the face.

Did you end up using any hair gel or spray, or just water for now?
Only water, a small paint brush, and a couple of beauty tweezers lol. I essentially followed the basics outlined by @OzzyAndyHam above! Haven’t used hair gel or spray to set it in yet.
Thanks, Gipetto. :woo

One more..
