*BEWARE SPOILERS* Alien: Romulus

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Wasted 'height' talent. Never really got a sense of scale of this guy. He's much taller in that video than he came across in the movie. Something that tall coming after you IS scary.
Yeah, as feared, it's basically a fan-film where the director and/or screenwriter crammed in all the references, winks and nudges from the series that they could. Sad, as the opening half hour or so is really good and interesting. It does a great job of expanding the Weyland-Yutani evil corporation story and does a wonderful job of world- or universe-building. The dynamic between Rain and Andy is brilliant, and the cinematography is beautiful. The rest of the characters are a bit lacking, but you start getting the feeling that this might actually be really good.
And then it more or less goes horribly wrong.
There's still a few good parts, but every single fan-service just takes you out of the movie immediately. It's absolutely mind-boggling.

There's really only 1 egregious reference/callback in this movie imo. I think it's blown out of proportion. Wasn't enough to ruin the movie for me.
Oh, there's a lot of fan service moments.

The worst of them is the "get away from her" bit. It betrays a complete lack of understanding of why that line is so good in the Aliens. And not only that, it just makes no sense within the movie itself. There is no reason for Andy to call the alien a *****, it's just utterly stupid.
My jaw hit the floor in disbelief when I heard it.
The there's the "you have my sympathies" line... Again, there is zero understanding of why that line is so good in Alien. While not as non-sensical as the "get away from her" line, it's still cringe worthy.
And those are just two of the most egregious examples. There are a lot (way too many) visual cues lifted directly from the other movies that add absolutely nothing to the experience, whereas the bits where Alvarez brings something new to the table are really good. The alien coming out of its cocoon is brilliant, and brings a cool new aspect the alien's life-cycle. It does of course bring out a lot of new questions, but it's new, interesting and appropriately weird. The fresh look at the facehugger attack and chest-burster scene are both great and make these well-known staples of Alien body horror refreshingly uncomfortable to watch.
This is one movie that I wish someone would make a fan edit to take out all the silly fan service, and we'd probably have a much better film in your hands.
Oh, there's a lot of fan service moments.
I'm aware there is more than one, but there is only one I find egregious.
The worst of them is the "get away from her" bit. It betrays a complete lack of understanding of why that line is so good in the Aliens. And not only that, it just makes no sense within the movie itself. There is no reason for Andy to call the alien a *****, it's just utterly stupid.
My jaw hit the floor in disbelief when I heard it.
And it's this one. It was the "*****" that took it too far. If they left it at "get away from her" then I wouldn't have cared at all.
The there's the "you have my sympathies" line... Again, there is zero understanding of why that line is so good in Alien. While not as non-sensical as the "get away from her" line, it's still cringe worthy.
Meh, pretty standard line in media. Don't care to be honest.
Oh, there's a lot of fan service moments.

The worst of them is the "get away from her" bit. It betrays a complete lack of understanding of why that line is so good in the Aliens. And not only that, it just makes no sense within the movie itself. There is no reason for Andy to call the alien a *****, it's just utterly stupid.
My jaw hit the floor in disbelief when I heard it.
The there's the "you have my sympathies" line... Again, there is zero understanding of why that line is so good in Alien. While not as non-sensical as the "get away from her" line, it's still cringe worthy.
And those are just two of the most egregious examples. There are a lot (way too many) visual cues lifted directly from the other movies that add absolutely nothing to the experience, whereas the bits where Alvarez brings something new to the table are really good. The alien coming out of its cocoon is brilliant, and brings a cool new aspect the alien's life-cycle. It does of course bring out a lot of new questions, but it's new, interesting and appropriately weird. The fresh look at the facehugger attack and chest-burster scene are both great and make these well-known staples of Alien body horror refreshingly uncomfortable to watch.
This is one movie that I wish someone would make a fan edit to take out all the silly fan service, and we'd probably have a much better film in your hands.
Considering it's the same model android it's quite fitting.
The fan shout outs didn’t bother me one whit to be fair. Cheeky shout outs to the fans aren’t something that rustles me jimmy's.
The rampant stupidity of shoving your mush into an unknown life form, whilst said life form is in a clear aggressive stance and you’re a biologist no less, now that gets on my pip somewhat.
The fan shout outs didn’t bother me one whit to be fair. Cheeky shout outs to the fans aren’t something that rustles me jimmy's.
The rampant stupidity of shoving your mush into an unknown life form, whilst said life form is in a clear aggressive stance and you’re a biologist no less, now that gets on my pip somewhat.
Many years ago, I had a girlfriend who'd come over from Europe and didn't know what a snapping turtle was.

We were out in the country and pulled over to the side of the road so I could safely move a rather large one out of harm's way, across to the marsh it was headed into.

I explained to her and an onlooker how to avoid getting bitten by a defensive strike as one that size could cause serious injury -- they have a surprising range of motion with their long necks and can reach around a significant amount.

She remarked that she had no idea and probably would have stuck her face in its beak to get a closer look. 😬

She wasn't a biologist. :ROFLMAO:
I'm getting increasingly bored of fan service and "callbacks" in sequels.
Things like an earlier version of a weapon, for example the pulse rifle in this and other logical additions that make sense, are fine.
Recycled dialogue, cameos for the sake of it, the same story just slightly altered etc etc needs to go.
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I'm getting increasingly bored of fan service and "callbacks" in sequels.
Things like an earlier version of a weapon, for example the pulse rifle in this and other logical additions that make sense.
Recycled dialogue, cameos for the sake of it, the same story just slightly altered etc etc needs to go.
It's gimmick-y and lazy. 'Content' vs. an actual story ... I'm totally sick of it.
I'm getting increasingly bored of fan service and "callbacks" in sequels.
Things like an earlier version of a weapon, for example the pulse rifle in this and other logical additions that make sense.
Recycled dialogue, cameos for the sake of it, the same story just slightly altered etc etc needs to go.
While I certainly agree with you the general consensus seems to be that what callbacks were there was diluted enough to not overshadow the new that was there.

My problem remains though, why hadn’t the government corp gone there already to retrieve their assets.
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While I certainly agree with you the consensus seems to be that what callbacks were there was diluted enough not to overshadow the new that was there.
This. Reports of three or four lines of familiar dialogue "ruining" the otherwise excellent film are greatly exaggerated.
My problem remains though, why hadn’t the government corp gone there already to retrieve their assets.
I actually like that that's part of the mystery. It certainly begs the question "why" but I like that! Was it some situation like The Thing or Alien 3 where a single idealistic and self-sacrificing crew member sent out an alert that everything was a total loss and that the station was just one massive biohazard? Did that cause the Company to delay their retrieval because they were in the process of loading up half a dozen Sulacos, just to be safe? Had a smaller cleanup crew arrived (it is a massive structure after all and could have docked on the opposite side for all we knew), gotten wiped out, and so W-Y was in the process of sending retrieval unit #2 (again assumedly with more firepower,) was there another "Burke" in charge whose ass was about to get absolutely REAMED for losing the entire multibillion dollar station so he was covering it up from his superiors, and so on.

The fact that that massive and priceless facility was just...there with no further indication of what the company was doing about it just makes it that much creepier to me.
Fede Alvarez said he called James Cameron to inquire about what Hudson meant when he said "another bughunt" and whether that meant that marines had encountered xenomorphs before. He didn't divulge what Cameron said but I'm guessing the answer was "no." I wonder if Alvarez was asking because he was considering having a team of marines show up the same time the kids did, only to increase the horror as the "professionals" get gruesomely wiped out (and then that could have also served as the reason the kids ended up with pulse rifles.)

It could have been interesting but I'm glad that Alvarez wanted to respect even the implied backstory of ALIENS.