The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | Amazon Prime Video - September 2, 2022

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By the Valar this show makes me angry with how badly it managed to **** up the story
This show is genuinely beyond saving - and sadly @Wor-Gar they will never call him Annatar [hence they dont name drop in the trailer but again use a cheeky "gift" line to indicate that is who this is mean't to be those in the know] because they still lack the rights to the story they are currently try and failing to tell.

The main problem is that in Season 1 they stole characteristics of other characters and gave them to Galadriel, unsuccessfully, and are now forced into a position where they must retread the same story beats [Sauron secret identity, forging Rings, shock betrayal] except now its painfully stupid because apparently the greatest elven minds alive can't recognize Sauron when he wears a wig.
Its unsalvageable.
They ought to have made CELEBRIMBOR the main character NOT GALADRIEL, he is the one with the relationship with a disguised Sauron, he is the one who forges the Rings, he is the one with a close friendship with the Dwarves [not Elrond, who ought to have had Galadriel's Numenor story given he is both Gil-Galad's herald and has a profound connection with Numenor and its people through his brother - so HIS story was also taken by Galadriel, meaning Celebrimbor's dwarven friendship story was taken from HIM so Elrond has something to do]
They have completely derailed and destroyed the very few plot points we HAVE from the Second Age, its remarkable to me how much they have f-ed up when they have so much scope for creativity so long as they don't change the only canon events in this age!
Hubris, short-sightedness and stupidity - with a healthy dose of awful writing and pretty poor acting have killed this show.
And I am no hater, I wanted this to go well and was open-minded going in, but by god they couldn't have handled it any worse.

Its incredible to me Amazon are still going ahead with this, but I suppose they must have money enough to burn for the sake of ego.

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Watched the first three episodes of season 2 and I was somewhat pleasantly surprised.

Let me be clear: I don’t have high expectations for this series to begin with. It’s not written by Tolkien! It’s essentially an elseworld. Elaborate high production fanfic. But I’m okay with that. I’m honestly happy to see whatever they cook up. I love the mythos of Middle Earth. I’ll take this.

The details of way that Sauron/Anatar is enacting his plan is actually turning out pretty fun to watch.
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I got halfway through the first episode of S2 and ... well, I'll give it another shot and stop thinking of it as Tolkien. One thing I realized is that I must have given up on Season 1 because I didn't recall any of the recap.

I really don't think it's good; but I still want to see where they take it. Kind of a hate watch LOL ...
Watched the first three episodes of season 2 and I was somewhat pleasantly surprised.

Caveat: I don’t have high expectations for this series to begin with. It’s not written by Tolkien! It’s essentially an elseworld. Elaborate high production fanfic. And I’m okay with that. I’m honestly happy to see whatever they cook up. I love the mythos of Middle Earth. I’ll take this.
Yeah I’ve been enjoying it more than the first season. It seems to be actually going places now.
The details of way that Sauron/Anatar is enacting his plan is actually turning out pretty fun to watch.
Every time Charlie Vickers is on screen is great. He’s a fantastic actor, really hope to see him in more things.