*BEWARE SPOILERS* Alien: Romulus

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I always took the bug hunt line to mean that there had been reports of Aliens previously which had been erroneous.
Hence the feeling the whole mission was a waste of time and the marines being so blasé.
The Xenomorph line was just a nondescript nomenclature for any Alien life form, but then absorbed into the lexicon via the internet.
Which always gets on my pip for some reason? 🤔
The Xenomorph line was just a nondescript nomenclature for any Alien life form, but then absorbed into the lexicon via the internet.
Yes but Ripley herself called it that in Alien 3 (prompting 85 to have her spell it out when messaging the Company) so it has some in-universe consistency as well.

I'd rather that be the nickname than something goofy like "Yatjua" that is never spoken on screen.

I do agree about "bughunt," I always took the line to mean previous wild goose chases for real or imagined creatures that didn't end with actual combat.
The name of Ferro's dropship "Bug Stomper - We Endanger Species" does imply that the marines had encountered some forms of hostile critters before. Plus there's the banter about "arcturians" implying interaction with even intelligent alien species. (And yes I know other materials gave a lot more details on arcturians, I'm just referring to what we know from the films.)

Yeah the bug hunt line clearly meant wild goose chase, marines being called in only to find some pesky wildlife that they did not need to be called in for.

I was always curious about the arcturians or however its spelt. I always wondered whether it meant alien life or simply human settlers who live on some place called arcturia or whatever. It was left vague enough that it could have been either.
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Adding to the mystery is Ferro's line regarding Ripley - ''apparently she saw an Alien once''.

So if the USCM did encounter creatures on other worlds they did not consider them 'Alien'?
Or does Hudson's response suggest that they've encountered any number of "aliens" and none of them were that big a deal.

Kind of like:

"Apparently she saw a zebra once."

"Well whoopy f****n do."
Or does Hudson's response suggest that they've encountered any number of "aliens" and none of them were that big a deal.

Kind of like:

"Apparently she saw a zebra once."

"Well whoopy f****n do."
If the marines have encountered alien lifeforms before, is Ripley the first civilian space worker to encounter one and that's why it's a noteworthy detail about her?

Or is it the case that Ripley's Alien is assumed to be of higher intelligence than anything encountered before and anything below a certain intelligence level doesn't count?
If the marines have encountered alien lifeforms before, is Ripley the first civilian space worker to encounter one and that's why it's a noteworthy detail about her?
My thought is that it is not a noteworthy detail (hence Ferro and Hudson's responses) but since the Company didn't want the Marines to know just how precious these particular aliens were to them they just gave them them super vague intel to keep them mostly in the dark as to their true intentions (and by "they" I mostly mean Burke.)
The fan shout outs didn’t bother me one whit to be fair. Cheeky shout outs to the fans aren’t something that rustles me jimmy's.
The rampant stupidity of shoving your mush into an unknown life form, whilst said life form is in a clear aggressive stance and you’re a biologist no less, now that gets on my pip somewhat.
Why did I read that in Eric Idles voice?😁
The bug hunting is brought up with Cameron in the insane new documentary Aliens Expanded.

He doesn't go into too much detail. But the doc itself is 4 and a half hours of awesomeness.
The bug hunting is brought up with Cameron in the insane new documentary Aliens Expanded.

He doesn't go into too much detail. But the doc itself is 4 and a half hours of awesomeness.
I was thinking earlier today I'd love to watch something like the new RoboCop documentary for Aliens and bam you mention this. Thanks!
They are making one on The Thing next, but I asked and T2 is after that.

T2 is my favourite movie of all time, and the closest long doc is the one on the most recent bluray. Edward Furlong and Joe Morton came back along with Cameron, Schwarzenegger and Patrick.

Worth it for Morton talking about how he came up with Dyson's dying breaths.
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Every single documentary that can possibly be made about our favorite movies from the 80s will be redundant.

There is nothing and I mean absolutely nothing new that can be learned that no true fan already doesn’t know about every single sc-fi fantasy action movies from that era from existing information.

Sorry to ruin the experience.

Sorry to ruin the surprise but yes Edward Furlong went and ruined his career with drugs shocker I know lol