1/6 The Batman ‘the drifter’ discussion thread

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Topo needs to make an El Topo! figure.


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Seems like it. Ill be buying both and creating my own ultimate look. This has always been the Bruce I want, and before we even knew anyone was making this look I was bending over backwards trying to find the perfect clothes for it, which never happened.
I’ve got a Hot Toys head sculpt and am waiting for my clothing set to arrive from kit. It’ll be all the Batman I’ll ever need. I don’t have any “Super Heroes” in my collection so this will be my first. I loved the clothes and it came with a body so pretty excited to receive mine!

Robert Pattinson is my favorite Batman of all time. He played the perfect, damaged boy part better than anyone else ever did. This is, of course, my opinion only. I loved everything about the movie especially how dark it was. Can’t wait for my set to arrive!!