Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum (2026)

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The action is way over the top and because a lot of that action is made by using sub par CGI it makes it more offensive.

But the good outweighs the bad in The Hobbit films so I find enjoyment with it.
Fair enough!(y)
It’s happening.

Finally the Warner - Wētā - Marvel - Disney - Sony crossover we've been waiting for?
Serkis as Golem should be great! Can't wait to see him show up in Forrest Hills Queens, and fight Spider-Man for the golden churro.

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I think he just looks too old and frail now. Yes, Gandalf was already old looking but he had a commanding presence still.
Mixed feelings...hard to think of another Gandalf.

*Shrug* well if his voice has held up, and he can physically do the part, why not. Tho the Harrison Ford de-aging with the old man voice was a disaster.

He may not want to do it tho. And I don't have a problem with recasts as long as, obviously, good actors are chosen. Viggo's Aragorn to me wasn't what I pictured from the books e.g. thought of Aragorn as a bit rougher in the face.
Mixed feelings...hard to think of another Gandalf.

*Shrug* well if his voice has held up, and he can physically do the part, why not. Tho the Harrison Ford de-aging with the old man voice was a disaster.

He may not want to do it tho. And I don't have a problem with recasts as long as, obviously, good actors are chosen. Viggo's Aragorn to me wasn't what I pictured from the books e.g. thought of Aragorn as a bit rougher in the face.
Good thing they can explain recasting with the lore. If Sauron can take other forms then so can Gandalf.
Good thing they can explain recasting with the lore. If Sauron can take other forms then so can Gandalf.

If needed, just recast him. Isn't the "British theater system" still ongoing that has produced so many good actors who have both presence, voice, acting chops, and can quote Shakespeare without coming across silly?

Tho recasting is a slippery slope these days. :monkey3

I'm sure this won't be an exceedingly contrived, bloated CG mess, stretched needlessly into two films.
I really feel like the idiots at WB do t understand why Gollum worked. He’s not supposed to be the mascot of the franchise. He’s literally a crack head.
Mixed feelings...hard to think of another Gandalf.

If not McKellan, I'd suggest Linus Roache. That would be my choice. But odds are if it's not McKellan, they'll offer it to Jeff Bridges first. However, I have a hard time seeing them starting any of this at all if they had not already secured McKellan, Lee Pace , Orlando Bloom and, at minimum, Viggo Mortensen for at least a cameo. Once you are forced to recast one of the major roles, you will have to recast them all.

If not McKellan, I'd suggest Linus Roache. That would be my choice. But odds are if it's not McKellan, they'll offer it to Jeff Bridges first. However, I have a hard time seeing them starting any of this at all if they had not already secured McKellan, Lee Pace , Orlando Bloom and, at minimum, Viggo Mortensen for at least a cameo. Once you are forced to recast one of the major roles, you will have to recast them all.

*Grins* I'd love to see Pace's snooty Thranduil again. And his expression - or lack of - when Gollum escapes.

Dunno about Bloom and Viggo. I don't think the de-aging went well for Bloom in the Hobbit - IMO he looked kind of waxy and he's older now - tho the technology has come along since then.

And how are they going to do this without Aragorn being a big part? I thought that was a major thing in the book; Gandalf and Aragorn hunting down Gollum. I won't have a meltdown if Viggo is recast - as long as it's not a miscast.
And how are they going to do this without Aragorn being a big part? I thought that was a major thing in the book; Gandalf and Aragorn hunting down Gollum. I won't have a meltdown if Viggo is recast - as long as it's not a miscast.

The "Grey Company"

Basically the other "Rangers" ( Dunedain?) through their legacy bloodlines. It's been a long time since I've read the books, but I distinctly remember more Rangers were at the battle when Gondor was about to be overrun and the Army Of The Dead showed up to save everyone's bacon. At least in the books. I don't think we see them in the Jackson trilogy.

( Someone more well versed in the lore can feel free to correct me if I am wrong or am off on any points...)

The script can bring Aragorn back for 15 minutes and have other "Rangers" operate as new characters that can be somewhat disposable/have unique storylines, to do some of the heavy lifting.

The main selling point is bringing back people from the legacy cast. Without that, I don't see how this gets made at all.
The "Grey Company"

Basically the other "Rangers" ( Dunedain?) through their legacy bloodlines. It's been a long time since I've read the books, but I distinctly remember more Rangers were at the battle when Gondor was about to be overrun and the Army Of The Dead showed up to save everyone's bacon. At least in the books. I don't think we see them in the Jackson trilogy.

( Someone more well versed in the lore can feel free to correct me if I am wrong or am off on any points...)

The script can bring Aragorn back for 15 minutes and have other "Rangers" operate as new characters that can be somewhat disposable/have unique storylines, to do some of the heavy lifting.

The main selling point is bringing back people from the legacy cast. Without that, I don't see how this gets made at all.
Yeah, they did. A Ranger brought Aragorn a standard made by Arwen that the Dead would follow. This sounds kind of cool.

In response to a message sent to Rivendell by Galadriel, Halbarad led the Grey Company, comprised of 30 Rangers, south to the aid of their kinsman Aragorn. Aragorn rejoiced at their coming, and Théoden remarked thus; "It is well! If these kinsmen be in any way like yourself, my Lord Aragorn, thirty such knights will be a strength that cannot be counted by heads."

With them also rode Elladan and Elrohir, the sons of Elrond. They caught up with Aragorn near the Fords of Isen in Rohan in the early hours of March 6, TA 3019. Halbarad brought Aragorn a message from Arwen as well as a standard made by her, which Aragorn asked Halbarad to keep for him for a while.

Halbarad accompanied Aragorn to a chamber high in the Hornburg where Aragorn looked into the palantír and revealed himself to Sauron. That morning Aragorn decided to take the Paths of the Dead, down the Dimholt Road, under the White Mountains and Halbarad and the Grey Company went with him, along with Legolas and Gimli. When they reached the entrance at daybreak on March 8, Halbarad said, "This is an evil door, and my death lies beyond it. I will dare to pass it nonetheless..."[1]

At midnight at the Stone of Erech, Aragorn summoned the Dead to fulfil their oaths and Halbarad unfurled Aragorn's standard, which appeared black with no device in the darkness. The Grey Company and the Army of the Dead passed through the lands of the south to Pelargir, where they captured the fleet of the Corsairs. Aragorn dismissed the Dead, and the Grey Company sailed up the Anduin.[2]

When they arrived at the Pelennor Fields on March 15 in the midst of the battle, Aragorn's standard was once again unfurled but now it was seen to bear the emblems of the House of Elendil; the White Tree of Gondor surmounted by seven stars and a crown. Halbarad carried the standard onto the battlefield, where he was killed.[3]
I really feel like the idiots at WB do t understand why Gollum worked. He’s not supposed to be the mascot of the franchise. He’s literally a crack head.

breaking gollum:


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