Your favorite underappreciated films

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OMG! I know this one. I haven't seen it in years. I loved Animala.

Demolition Man is one of my Stallone faves. You have determined tomorrow night's viewing, if I have still have it.

Sandra Bullock was 29 in that. So she was 30 when she was in Speed. I thought she was in her early twenties when her career took off. She was purdy.
Good call. I think people like the film overall though, but now it became some prophetic because of modernity,
I remember the 2000s-2010s where good movies were called bad. It was before youtuberrs really became mainstream reviewers.

Speed Racer 2008.

When the movie came out the critics hated it. I watched it 10 times or so since it came out, and each time it's just exceptional.

My theory of why it was hated came from Entertainment Weekly. I was a big subscriber of it. It was the beginning of the anti-nuclear family era in all of entertainment. I noticed a pattern where they hated almost all movies like Speed Racer.

I noticed movies that had a straight family, a man and a wife, a man who is the bread winner and a family man began to get blasted by the media. This was the beginning of the SJW Era. SJWS are now called woke, but yeah, the MSM hated movies like this becasue it was anti-agenda.

Another movie unfairly lambasted for similar reasons was John Carter. It's was close to the beginning of the SJW era, where male whiite heroes were considered bad, and sexy women were a no no. This was slightly before that time though....but similar theories hold why the media hated it.

I also think this was befoer Youtubers found their voice. They would agree with everything from the MSM...that changed a few years later though....

John Carter is a GREAT MOVIE!
There was a movie in 2011 called Dirty Movie. It's underappreciated in the fact that no one talked about it, not even in a negative light because it wasn't really covered by the media. No one even talks about it now

It is unreleaseable by today's standards but was simply a not very good movie in 2011 by that eras standards, according to low audience scores and critics.

I gave it a chance and The more I watched it, the more I laughed. I now watch it once a year since 2020.

It's a movie that will illicit an emotion, laughter and some eye rolling. But you'll have a good time.

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Midnight Meat Train was one of the more unique horrors I saw with an interesting twist at the end. Not sure if I'd rank it as one of my favorite movies, but I think it's definitely an underappreciated film.

I think the twist at the end of Dracula 2000 is ALMOST worth watching the rest of the terrible film [and also enduring Gerard Butler as Dracula]
A clever and pretty original twist on Dracula that provides a particularly compelling "origin" for several aspects of the vampire myth.
Midnight Meat Train was one of the more unique horrors I saw with an interesting twist at the end. Not sure if I'd rank it as one of my favorite movies, but I think it's definitely an underappreciated film.

based on a true story. they are real
Midnight Meat Train was one of the more unique horrors I saw with an interesting twist at the end. Not sure if I'd rank it as one of my favorite movies, but I think it's definitely an underappreciated film.

I loved this horror. It was a refreshing horror with new ideas and location.
Midnight Meat Train was one of the more unique horrors I saw with an interesting twist at the end. Not sure if I'd rank it as one of my favorite movies, but I think it's definitely an underappreciated film.

I love all things Barker. I read the story in Books of Blood when I was a kid and really enjoyed the movie. I was surprised they managed to get Cooper for it.