My favorite underappreciated film is Rogue One. Main episode film fans have crapped all over it for things that the other films have always gotten away with. Idiots always turns a blind eye.
My favorite underappreciated film is Rogue One. Main episode film fans have crapped all over it for things that the other films have always gotten away with. Idiots always turns a blind eye.
Man that's a long list:
Predator 2
Alien 3
Star Trek The Motion Picture
Batman Vs Superman
Solo A Star Wars Movie
The Phantom Menace
Attack Of The Clones
Revenge Of The Sith
Hellboy(all of them)
Man Of Steel
Alien Covenant
Starship Troopers
Robocop 2
And much more besides
A Freak after my own heart! I’d forgotten about ST: TMP. Definitely appreciate that more in my old age than I (or anyone else) did as a kid.
The Edge, w/ Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin. Top ten manliest movies ever made.
Ohhh good one. I also quite like The Ghost and the Darkness from the previous year despite Val Kilmer's accent.
Haven't seen The Ghost and the Darkness. I'll have to look for it.
I think 'The Edge' suffered quite a bit from a bad title. Completely meaningless, generic and forgettable title ... for a really good movie.
Probably right. It gives no idea of the content of the film, which, if anyone here doesn't know, was about 3 men surviving a plane crash in isolated wilderness, trying to find their way out while being hunted by a large ferocious Bear. Many terrifying and intense scenes.
It naturally brings to my mind Ghost and the Darkness which is a Man against Lion story starring Michael Douglas and Val Kilmer.