I really wish I remember this thread when I get new stuff lol. I got Inart Batman and Superman at the very end of December!
I love Superman! Definitely an improvement over the 9 year old Hot Toys version (that they did 3 freaking times with no upgrades

I do like inart Batman, but it didn't wow me like I expected. I keep letting other people's opinions influence me, which is not good. It doesn't blow the hot toys out of the water, but there is some good upgrades, and that rooted hair unmasked is incredible.
Next, I got artisan Jack Sparrow 1 week ago to the day I'm typing this!
It's ok. The rooted hair is awesome, but I'm not wowed by it like I was when I got the DX15 version of this character. I'm so underwhelmed by this I haven't even taken the plastic off the hands

I wish I can send this back to sideshow for a refund, but I love the base this comes with, and I refuse to sell anywhere thanks to getting scammed 1 time. I don't remember having to put the little accessories on the dx15, and I have 0 desire to ever fully kit this figure out with the accessories it comes with.