Hot Toys - Agent Venom - Marvel Comics - 1/6 Scale Figure

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I would really recommend give Agent Venom comic a read. It’s written by Rick Remender and it’s actually really good. One of the better comics to come out during the 2000s.
I’ve heard the run itself was great but the design is what never jelled with me is all.

Love my Venom being more monster-ish so it just being a dude in a suit with a bunch of guns never peaked my interest. I should check out the run one of these days though.
Cool but articulation looks really restricted, especially in the hips and arms, and the proportions are wonky, neck is weirdly long or shoulders are way too low
Yo this is sick! Will probably preorder. This is basically venom bonded with Flash Thompson.
Guns are re-used
MP5 from Neo
Desert Eagles from Deadpool 3 figure
Sniper Rifle from Punisher Netflix
M249 from Bucky figure
Not critizing just making obersvation and excited to see more of this figure.
Anyway. Really random choice. not a fan of the character but for all those that wanted him I'm glad for you. Gosh this company is random. I remember I thought they were never going to do movie venom and all of a sudden he popped up out of nowhere. I don't even see the point of teasers anymore if they are gonna just pop out these figures.

Comic Line has so much promise. Give us Dardevil and Hulk please!