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  1. M

    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    I agree 100% The word "camper" is pretty subjective. One mans "camper", is another's careful player. What's really annoying to me is taking someone out from a good position, and then getting a message from them calling you a camper. This one knob goblin actually stopped his play during a game...
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    Red Dead Redemption

    Is there any way to tell what kind of horse you're riding? I've broken a few of them, but I don't know if I'm trading up or down when I keep one.
  3. M

    LOST discussion - thar be spoilers ahead!

    I was not disappointed. We knew some things would not be answered so I can accept what we know and don't know. For me the best part of the finale was the characters, which in retrospect was what the whole show was about. Three moments stand out although there were others. 1) Hurley's reaction...
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    Red Skull PF

    Testify brother!:clap
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    Red Dead Redemption

    This is a great game. I've done very little (10%) of the single player since I've been working on the Multiplayer. I've done a few things with groups, but I actually prefer to do it alone. I managed to clear all the hideouts at least once, and I'm working on some of the other tasks. My one...
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    Red Dead Redemption

    I just used the word underneath because it's so close. Take the road to Hanging Rock. Get off your horse and walk up to the formation. Start walking counter clockwise around the base. About a quarter of the way around you should see a tiny "path" in the rocks. Walk in a little way and you'll be...
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    Red Dead Redemption

    Yeah, I had trouble with that one too. The map makes it look like the treasure is buried away from Hanging Rock, but it's actually underneath it.
  8. M

    Red Dead Redemption

    Is there a charge to join the Gentlemen's Club?
  9. M

    Red Dead Redemption

    Thanks much! I do remember the ticket in my satchel, I'll have to check it out when I'm done with work. I basically spent a couple hours just hunting and clearing the first few missions. I did clear out a hideout and saved a farmers daughter. That was fun, and it was good practice to work on my...
  10. M

    Red Dead Redemption

    I had the same problem. I tried forever and finally deleted my game and re-installed it then I got it on the first try. I don't know if the install had anything to do with it, but nothing worked until I did it. Question: How do you know if you have the War Horse? I'm assuming that I've got the...
  11. M

    The Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread

    For all I know it could have been some ten-year old from Guam or some high schooler who skipped out of Sex Ed. class. I doubt it was anyone older than that though. It seems to be that the players who whine and bully the most are normally the under 21 crowd. No offense meant to anyone who falls...
  12. M

    The Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread

    Yeah this happend to me once too in Domination. The idiot stopped playing to call me an ******* camper. I e-mailed them back after the match and pointed out that my score was higher than theirs and I had more deaths. Not to thrilled with the death count I had, but like I told them, it's pretty...
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    Thanks. I finally figured out that I have a pistol with x4 fire damage and that worked wonders on all the enemies in that area. It's pretty good for others as well.
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    I just finished shutting down the signal fires during the town (I can't remember the name at the moment) recon quest. The enemies really seemed to ramp up all of a sudden. I know I don't have anywhere near 45 slots, but I haven't done Zombie Island yet either. Even with all the storage slots, it...
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    That's great news about the new DLC. If I have one complaint about the game, is that I'm constantly having to micro-manage my inventory trying to decide what I should keep and not keep. Storage containers are really needed.
  16. M

    Galactus LSB

    Thanks WM. On closer inspection, the picture on the box seems to look the same way. I don't know why it's like that but as long as it seems across the board I'm keeping it. I think I got #109 by the way.
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    Galactus LSB

    Just got mine yesterday and love it. My only question is about where his "ears" are. There seems to be be some gold speckles just in this area. It looks like the paint may not have been applied properly, but I only notice it in these two areas. It sort of looks like I might be seeing it in the...
  18. M

    Broken thor ups

    I ordered one from Big Bad Toy Store a few months back, and it came to me the same way. The leg was broken at the knee. I returned it for something else, but I was really bummed since it's such a great statue:( I didn't have a clue as to how to repair it, so it had to go.
  19. M

    AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

    Still nothing in my e-mail box.:banghead. If I don't get notification soon, I may not be getting it next week either. Something Sexy, I'm in Milwaukee too, glad to hear that you got yours. At least they're making their way out to our part of the world.:D
  20. M

    Sideshow/ AH Mystique Comiquette

    Re: Mystique Comiquette Being relatively new to collecting SS, can anyone tell me what the difference is between putting Mystique and SW out as PPO's rather than placing them up for order in their newsletter?