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  1. D

    Will this Guy Ever stop?!!?

    yeah whatever man..:rolleyes:
  2. D

    Will this Guy Ever stop?!!?

    haizz..if I was the seller I would be fricking RICH by now! Do you think I would be here? I would have better things to do then start complaining about these kind of matters.. :rotfl anyway thanks for remembering me but for the last time I am not him seriously man I just have one of his defects...
  3. D

    Will this Guy Ever stop?!!?

    Sorry to disappoint you but I am not the seller.. I'm just cool with the fact that these “defects” are being sold at a whole lot cheaper price. You guys are taking things way to serious. I mean even Sideshow hasn’t done anything yet. So what’s all the *****ing about? Chill man!
  4. D

    Will this Guy Ever stop?!!?

    I got mine for $350! at yahoo hong kong auctions.. will post pics of it by end of May..Let's hope they bring in Dr Doom! :chew
  5. D

    Will this Guy Ever stop?!!?

    In the words of MC Hammer "can't touch this" "U can't touch this"
  6. D

    so i just got this in the but

    WOw this is crazy! Soon there will be a Dr Doom!