►► Jkno's Imperial collection ◄◄

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Re: Jkno's collection

AT-AT Driver helmet in the real movie gray color as per StarWarsHelmets Original AT-AT Helmet Review. It is a a superb helmet, really heavy and sturdy. It feels like a real AT-AT Driver helmet should. One of my favorite SW helmets, these pics simply don't do it justice.

It has some very sharp details compared for example with old Laws AT-AT which is softer. I have TK-4510 decals on it plus some original greeblies like BOC syphons. It also has Elvistrooper metal greeblies. I still need to upgrade some of the existing greeblies like the clock parts on the forehead, the 2 black squares next to the eyes and the colored buttons on top.

As Jez said this is not sure to be made by eFX since the only original remaining one is in private hands.







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Re: Jkno's collection

It's amazing: I've seen, seen and seen again an incalculable number the episodes of the SW saga (and I'll see them again indefinitely, for sure), I never paid attention to the design of this helmet :monkey3 ... Like what, eh! :D

Superb one more time, Sergiu! :clap
Re: Jkno's collection

Thanks for the kind words Jay, Nacho, Al, Thierry and L-22! :duff

I was really lucky to get it, there were other 4-5 pretenders for it, but I just paid the seller and talked later, the others did the opposite LOL. It is one heavy and solid monster, and still quite comfortable, with a really cool neck trim attached to it, and bubble lenses. It has the right gray color as the original AT-AT Driver helmets and not white as people thought they are. It came with cool casts of the lateral Hangers also from BOC syphons, but I already got an original BOC plus other metal greeblies to replace existing ones. ;)

It is the same size as my SDS TIE Pilot lid, which means is bigger than Don Post TIE. The original ILM TIE lids were painted gray for ESB then added some greeblies to turn them into the iconic AT-AT Drivers. Only 2 AT-AT Driver helmets were made for ESB, one was stolen years ago and the other is in private hands, the owner not being interested in recasting it - so for now eFX won't be able to make it directly from the original but they could attempt making one from a TIE bucket.

It has sharper details than Laws AT-AT Driver helmet and a few other fan helmets I've seen. As I said it is still missing a few greeblies which I'd like to update, and once this is done then it might become my favorite lid. For now there won't be photos with all my helmets on display because I intend to make the cabinet for the TIE Pilot and eFX TIE, update another existing cabinet, and also wait for a couple more items to arrive before that. There will be only pics like an inventory of arriving items for now. But soon the entire collection will be shown, and trust me, there were 2 friends who came here today to help with my dad and seen all the helmets together - they liked what they've seen.

The last original screen used AT-AT Driver helmet - which was gray and not white as people thought for so long - now even the 501st are approving gray AT-AT helmets for their ranks:

Re: Jkno's collection

:gah: Rhaaa... Sergiu! This is smart: you make me drool on my keyboard again! :pfft:

:drool Argh...
:drool Slurps...
:drool Gop...
:drool Gniii...
:drool Pffff...
:drool Mmpf...
Re: Jkno's collection

:gah: Rhaaa... Sergiu! This is smart: you make me drool on my keyboard again! :pfft:

:drool Argh...
:drool Slurps...
:drool Gop...
:drool Gniii...
:drool Pffff...
:drool Mmpf...

The funny thing is that was my last money for a prop. Everything else that will come next is already long paid for. I was lucky i had the money and paid the guy instantly instead of just discussing and talking. I knew he was trustworthy and that he had a quite rare helmet. Thus I simply sent the total by paypal. I very rarely get lucky, especially regarding money, and this was one of the few times.:hi5:

Looks great, kongrats jkno!!

Thanks KD! :duff
Re: Jkno's collection

man that's one hell of a collection! awesome!!!
i love the setup, awesome lighting and the everything is just very classy

- LOVE the GitS setup!
- LOVE!!! the "do not touch" sticker on the glass :)

Thanks herzograven :hi5: