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Hey thanks guys... your comments are much appreciated. I'll be posting new pics soon ;)

Finally I can see the pics. This looks to be on a level of it's own great work. I can't wait to see the finished product.

Heres my work so far on the Yoda piece that will ride on his back :)





Heres the latest adjustments to the body and posture.... Arms a bit longer... hands a bit bigger... Body shorter... Legs longer neck and head more forward and the stance has to compensate for the weight of Yoda on his back :)

I have seen this all over the place lately so I THOUGHT I would remind folks how to spell THOUGHT.
Mean while, great start on the 1/1 Luke. Just wondering though, why are his arms and hands so drawn up and tight to the body?
Looks amazing but don't follow SST and make him buffer than Hamilton was in that movie. It just does not look right that way --> to me at least. I own the PF and every time I look at it, it looks off due to the pipes they threw on him.

This Luke is a representation of the Degobah training... When this is finished.. uke will have Yoda on his back if I am correct. Thats why the arms are drawn in so far... right?

Great work bud... I love your threads here, on Rebelscum and RPF... terrific artist. I have to ask.. is this sculpted entirely of clay? I am a ceramic sculptor myslef.. and if this is indeed totally in clay.. its going to be a beast as far as weight goes.
Hey thanks guys... your comments are much appreciated. I'll be posting new pics soon ;)


When you're done have a plaque made and send a few pictures to Hamill and see if he will agree to sign the plaque for you...you never know til you try :wave
Heres the latest pic of the statue.... did quite a bit of work on his forearms the other night... ended up using a mirror with most of this sculpt for a lot of the musculature... I'm not buff :lol

Ha I completely for got about this thread.... Anyway got quite a bit sidetracked with other projects but recently got back to it with a few mods to the face... Heres the most recent pics of the sculpt.

