Super Freak
I think I might have to make room for one of these 1:3 figures. Leaning more towards Bats because of the crouching position.
Both the Lee Bats and Dupes look a bit off to me so I'll be passing on both. My quest for a great looking 1/3 scale Bats continues.
If this is 41” I may be out. Would take up basically half a Pax display.
Both the Lee Bats and Dupes look a bit off to me so I'll be passing on both. My quest for a great looking 1/3 scale Bats continues.
It can't be. If it's 1/3 scale then superman is about 18-19" tall. The space from the table to his feet is not 22". It's about half his height. So this thing is probably around 33-35" like other 1/3 scale statues. He probably only looks taller than Doomsday due to the elimination of depth perception in the picture.
Isn't Superman 6' 3"? At 1/3 that would make him 25" tall (a bit more since his feet are stretched out) right? It's hard to tell exactly, but the base to his feet looks to be at least 1/2 as tall as Superman, so about 12" at least. Hopefully it's no more than 35", but I could see it being 37" - 41".
This and Batman would be my first P1 statues and my first real entry into the statue world in general (I have a few F4F Legend of Zelda). Generally, how long after P1 first shows a figure do they usually put up more information like size and how long is it before preorders usually go up?
Good point.
As for your question. Sometimes it's within a week. I've seen up to 6 months after being showed at a convention. They said they're tweaking Superman. So I imagine it'll be a few months away before a pre-order goes up.
Its the quest for a great looking fully sculpted 1/4 scale Bats and Supes that continues for me.
Will have to pass on both the Lee Bats and Supes because they are 1/3 scale.
Both the Lee Bats and Supes look a bit off to me so I'll be passing on both. My quest for a great looking 1/3 scale Bats continues.
This looks like the best superman piece I've ever seen (especially with the corrected head size) and looks like it's finally Superman piece that I'd like to own because i've been underwhelmed by all the others ive seen.
I liked both PFs so I'm good with 1/4 scale. However, my 1/3 Prime Deathstroke needs a companion. I'm hoping Prime releases a KILLER 1/3 Arkham Asylum/City Bats. I'd be more than OK with that being the only 1/3 Batman in my collection. I do hope a company releases a 1/4 fully sculpted Bats and Supes for you someday.
I can understand passing on the Lee Bats, and maybe even Supes - but what about the 1/3 scale TDKR Bats?
Agreed. I am not really a Superman collector but this looks like the one piece to own..and it is taken from Hush. It looks amazing.
Estimate price for this guy?