The slimness never really bothered me on the Medi. Especially if not put with SS figures. The older SS figs were always too chunky to me which I think is improved with the new bodys. What did bug me with the Medi Clone was the limited articulation and the legs shoot out to the sides just standing straight.
I agree with ya the SS armor and paint are better. The shoulder armor is wrong though and shouldnt be attached to the trap straps.
I like the Helmet sculpt on the Medi helmet and body suit better though.
Weapons check! You got it, SS wins that.
I hear you on price but retail aside which I hardly ever buy at they are close now. In fact you can get the Medi Clones and Stormys for good prices.
In the end for me It will be SS for armored just dont think the Medi are as bad as the rap they get sometimes.