Super Freak
Batman could have killed the joker while he was holding a hostage just like the police sniper did, and the police have other ways of stopping criminals just like batman, flash bangs bulletproof shields/vests, tasers, less lethal devices, but they still use lethal force when a threat is dangerous enough and that's what batman should do and if he had, lots of innocent lives would have been saved. Batman didn't know if the joker or his men would start shooting up all the people at the party when he started fist fighting a bunch of armed thugs surrounded by innocent people
he risked their lives by trying to find a non lethal way to stop the joker and if that happened in the real world those gunman would have killed hostages. So in your opinion are the seals that killed Bin Laden evil men for preventing his future crimes? The joker tried to blow up a hospital full of people, 2 boatloads of people and God only knows what else he is capable of kind of like Bin Laden and in the real world police would be given an extremely dangerous shoot on site order for the joker but batman takes it upon himself to bring him in alive at all costs, even going so far as to save his life when he is falling 

It would not make batman or anyone else evil if they killed the joker (from the dark knight movie) before he could destroy all of gothom. Hell, even Vision in age of ultron says I don't want to kill ultron but he is a monster so he must be destroyed, and vision can lift Thor's hammer so I think he knows what he is talking about, sometimes a monster is dangerous enough that it has to be destroyed by good men and that act does not make those good men evil, it makes them heroes