Super Freak
I was all sold on the beefier (at least in concept art) CW War Machine, but this has me on a day 1 pre-order, I may pick up a CW version too though if I like it enough though when it comes to the 2.0 I think I would rather have preferred to have got Iron Patriot when he was available as he would add a bit of colour to the line up (break up all that grey) plus WARMACHINEROX (all CAPS) and that would emphasise this fact.
WARMACHINEROX, Rhodey knew it and tony said it outright, I will have every mark of the war machine armor for my war machine hall of armor but the "iron patriot" attempt to improve/destroy a character will have no place in my collection. War machine has always been and should always be grey and called war machine, iron patriot is Norman Osborn