Super Freak
I wish HT's made figures based on the comics and not just movies. That's one reason I'm getting the mk3 stealth.
War Machine Mark II from IM3 exists on MCU, he even have a comic book:
Well if he had a comic book...
I'm not even much if an IM fan, and I didn't like IM3 at all either... For all the reasons Xeno stated.
Marvel must give directives about the ultimate objective leading up to Infinity War, but also give the director free reign to do whatever they want with the characters. I'm actually glad Whedon is off the MCU now, a lot of folks seem to like his comedic banter, but that nonsense gets old fast to me. Quips and one liners every five seconds. I can't wait to see how the Russo bros handle the entire team.
War machine/mark 2 aren't in iron man 3 at all, that comic was what happened before iron man 3 changed war machine to iron patriot and had iron man destroy all his suits and remove his arc reactorI don't know if you guys can tell or not but I really hate what they did with Tony and Rhodey in IM3(except all the cool suit designs, those were awesome). The other thing I hated about IM3 was that it made Tony completely irrelevant by making the suits completely controllable by Jarvis, he could just sit on his couch and have 30 suits go fight crime without him, no more cool gantry to suit him up either, the suit just flies around in pieces and slaps onto him, everything that made ironman relevant and cool straight out the window, and why when he still has his arc reactor in his chest to power his suits did he have to hook the mark 42 up to power to charge it(wtf)
He might as well be a drone and sit back at his tower and invent ****
Sorry had to vent a little there
Good vent
I don't dislike IM3 buts its not as strong as IM or even IM2 and know why many hate it with a passion.
In regards to Tony I know where you are coming from, the arc they had him on was one of obsession about making his suits better and more powerful almost a precursor to AoU where he wants to "wrap a suit of armour round the world". In regards to Rhodey I thought the whole "Iron Patriot" thing worked ok; he was being a soldier, following orders and trying to convince people (more like himself) that the PR stunt was a good thing despite everything about him suggesting otherwise (WARMACHINEROX) the oddest thing I found was he was wearing civvies in the suit and not some sort of uniform.
I liked the fact that the suits can wrap round him without needing a gantry (I still love the way he walked out of the Mk6 in the Avengers though) and at least before the Mk42 is simply an extension of the Mk7. Does make me wonder whether the Mk46 and even the 45 comes together and whether we will see that in Civil War and agree fully some of the suit designs were great (Silver Centurion is a favourite) especially the paths not chosen from the art book.
The Drone thing I think was intentional to show Tony's fragmented in a way thought process but it makes sense that what is essentially a robot should be able to operate on its own with the help of the most sophisticated AI on the planet at the time and led to 'sentry mode' in AoU.
Back to War Machine... If predictions are correct we may see some new and exciting new photos tomorrow![]()
Kind of. The IM armors are really the only Hot Toys that I am buying. I've got the special white edition of War Machine, so i don't think I need this one.
I love stories...with pictures..
I would hope so, you're on a fan site for figures of comic book charactersHopefully today will be the day we get the announcement
I'll probably gift the 1.0(still MISB) to one of my nephews once I preorder the DC.