1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

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Can't they just say The Master lied - like Kylo did about Rey's parentage?
Yes, or have some mysterious being shaping and altering the Doctors past (I'm reading through the 8th Doctor novels currently and this exact thing is happening) or they could just ignore it entirely. Doctor Who hasn't ever exactly been consistent with its lore anyway and it really shouldn't matter. Most episodes are just going to be the Doctor showing up somewhere and saving the place from ab alien Invasion. The Doctors orgins really don't matter for the bulk of most stories.
Can't they just say The Master lied - like Kylo did about Rey's parentage?

Yes, or have some mysterious being shaping and altering the Doctors past (I'm reading through the 8th Doctor novels currently and this exact thing is happening) or they could just ignore it entirely. Doctor Who hasn't ever exactly been consistent with its lore anyway and it really shouldn't matter. Most episodes are just going to be the Doctor showing up somewhere and saving the place from ab alien Invasion. The Doctors orgins really don't matter for the bulk of most stories.
I still feel it all smacks of desperation and that maybe the BBC were going to bring down the axe until RTD and Bad Wolf productions decided to step in and save the show?
I'm guessing they'll start afresh and ignore anything that's gone before. They'll need to win back the majority of the fan base that stopped watching. Stop all the preachy woke political crap writing(leave that to the soap operas) and don't listen to the twity twitter mob and cast another box ticker in role...Oily alexanders ffs! :mad:
Offer it to the magnificent Toby Jones who CAN act and who would bring back a much needed gravitas to the role.
It will be interesting to see what happens but..."Never go back" should be applied to everything in life...except of course if you've takin the wrong turn on the motorway and you really do have to go back :D
I can't agree with all of that... but no question that Toby Jones was born to play the Doctor. Unfortunately you know they'll want to play it as safe as possible and find another young and wacky David Tennant/Matt Smith type.
It’s definitely a ‘steady the sinking ship’ move by the BBC. Hoping they’ll pick the best person for the role but it concerns me that they’ll just opt for another “box ticking” actor/actress too. Need to ditch the overly preachy nonsense too. I don’t mind messages in shows if they are subtle and well done but I wanted to be entertained, not lectured. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was another woman tbh as going back to a male Doctor would probably in their (BBC’s) eyes be like admitting failure over the whole gender swap thing. I agree though, Toby Jones would be an excellent choice to play the doctor.
I can't agree with all of that... but no question that Toby Jones was born to play the Doctor. Unfortunately you know they'll want to play it as safe as possible and find another young and wacky David Tennant/Matt Smith type.
My money's on a third Time-lady, or maybe they'll go with a black dude. I can't see the BBC wanting to revert back to the same old white guy formula again...those days are over.
It’s definitely a ‘steady the sinking ship’ move by the BBC. Hoping they’ll pick the best person for the role but it concerns me that they’ll just opt for another “box ticking” actor/actress too. Need to ditch the overly preachy nonsense too. I don’t mind messages in shows if they are subtle and well done but I wanted to be entertained, not lectured. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was another woman tbh as going back to a male Doctor would probably in their (BBC’s) eyes be like admitting failure over the whole gender swap thing. I agree though, Toby Jones would be an excellent choice to play the doctor.
The only saving grace is that with Bad Wolf productions now involved, RTD might have some free rein in the casting and what direction it takes...
I’m thinking Smith and Capaldi are shaping up best, which is good, because I’m only considering Capaldi. I like that he comes with a second smiling portrait, but the more stern one is my favorite.

In general, I prefer these to the original versions, but I’m not sure the improvement warrants these prices. Tennant’s face sculpt is better, but that hair looks odd.

I wish Big Chief could nail down the shirt collar fit. Tennant looks fine but Capaldi has the huge gap that appears to plague the Pertwee figure.
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That collar on 12 is huge, like comically huge

Those promo pics on the site just confirms that I think they really messed up by going with the eye system. Gives a bunch of them a sort of bug-eyed look, which might actually work for the upcoming 4th doc since he's using that. I actually think the original sculpts were better, but just had crappy paint
I like 11 and 12 best. Very expensive though…and that payment plan duration needs to be extended I think for me to even consider buying the set, 6 months is way too short to pay off that balance, unless they are out early/middle of next year, which I doubt.
I'm liking them more as I look at them. Only really interested in Smith and Tennant.

I like the two heads, although I can barely make out the variance in the 'smile' vs 'serious' looks.

Smith comes with a lot of fun goodies (no mop though). But Tenant has the most bang for your buck looks like.
Yeah the Capaldi sculpt has grown on me quite a bit, but not enough to make me want to pay nearly $400 for the upgrade. Especially when I actually prefer the outfit on my original figure.

And same goes for the Smith figure as well. I like the sculpts, but the jacket is making him look way too broad shouldered and the proportions aren't nearly as good as on the original. In fact all the jackets appear far too broad for some reason.
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The close-ups on the faces are brilliant, and do so much more justice than those early promotional pictures.

I just don't think I can justify almost £300 each to upgrade my existing figures, which are already pretty good, to wait two years to upgrade to something marginally better.