1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

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My dream (and perhaps nightmare based on current release schedule) would be for Exo-6 to gain the license after the "5Year Mission" tour is over. But I'm honestly not even sure Nanjin is interested in continuing beyond that.
Speaking of Exo-6 and Dr. Who
Curious , I always imagined Gary 7 as Trek's analogue version of Dr. Who or a Time-Lord crossed over into the Trek Universe.

Would the concept and characters from Assignment Earth, fall under EXO-6 licence? Or is it it's own separate licence? (due to actually being a backdoor-pilot for it's own show)

Would love to see 1:6 (Robert Lansing) Gary Seven ,
and companion Roberta Lincoln (Teri Garr) figures made.
Their version of the Tardis

Sonic Screw Driver/Servo-Pen.

(LOL and if so, good luck matching that groovy 60s dress pattern :lol )

Analogues Doctor at the time I believe would have been Patrick Troughton with Companion Zoe?
Though the color and tone better match the Pertwee and Jo (Katy Manning) era, not sure which Who I'd display them opposite?
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^ :lol So true! I preordered the definitive fourth Doctor on 30 January 2020…and still no eta in sight! Longest outstanding pre-order I have, actually considered cancelling a couple of my BCS pre-orders a few weeks ago…haven’t…yet but I’m getting close to that point.
Have you heard of a potential release date or any other news on season 18s tom? Big chief doesn't seem to provide even at eta on any of their products
I’d emailed Big Chief earlier in the month to ask about updated release dates. This is the response I received on Jan 4th.

“Thank you for getting back to me, currently the Fourth Doctor is next to go into production, once this has started we will be able to give a more specific release date for you. Regarding K9 we are in the process of getting a second factory on board who will be looking at the K9 and Daleks figures, to help with the back log of pre-order figures that have been delayed from the pandemic.”

The Fourth Doctor he refers to there is the s18 version.
Screw Jack. Laurel & Hardy were supposed to come out even before the Definitive 4th Doctor figure. I want a production update on them!

*I know. They aint Doctor Who. Also, the severity of my post is tongue in cheek. :)
Pretty sure I would have gotten my money back in that case, wouldn't I? So.
I'd guess that just like John Barrowman himself, Jack has been cancelled. The silly sod should have kept it in his trousers:giggle:
Well that's absolute nonsense! The guy should have never been "cancelled" or better yet harassed by imbeciles for a quick story in the papers, he's just a jovial lad who tried to make light of an awkward situation. Keeping it in his pants was never an issue.

If the Jack Harckness figure was cancelled we'd have all received our refunds by now.

I think all too often this media frenzy that's got everyone wrapped up with accusing every man and his dog of something offensive has got completely out of control. Seems you can't sneeze too loudly without being called a sex offender these days. Johns an absolute superstar in my book and I absolutely cant wait for the figure 😊 Jack was one of the best parts of Doctor Who and obviously the star of Torchwood. I'll never forget the first episode where he asked Gwen what she thinks as she looked over the crew from the parking garage. Seriously one of the coolest most suave moments in television!
Well that's absolute nonsense! The guy should have never been "cancelled" or better yet harassed by imbeciles for a quick story in the papers, he's just a jovial lad who tried to make light of an awkward situation. Keeping it in his pants was never an issue.

If the Jack Harckness figure was cancelled we'd have all received our refunds by now.

I think all too often this media frenzy that's got everyone wrapped up with accusing every man and his dog of something offensive has got completely out of control. Seems you can't sneeze too loudly without being called a sex offender these days. Johns an absolute superstar in my book and I absolutely cant wait for the figure 😊 Jack was one of the best parts of Doctor Who and obviously the star of Torchwood. I'll never forget the first episode where he asked Gwen what she thinks as she looked over the crew from the parking garage. Seriously one of the coolest most suave moments in television!
It's not nonsense and he wasn't harassed. He admitted himself that he flashed his fellow co-stars, thinking it was funny...NOT! It's perverted. If a straight guy did the same thing he'd get jail.

As for the Jack figure being released, i can't see the now ultra WOKE BBC giving it the green light.
It's not nonsense and he wasn't harassed. He admitted himself that he flashed his fellow co-stars, thinking it was funny...NOT! It's perverted. If a straight guy did the same thing he'd get jail.

As for the Jack figure being released, i can't see the now ultra WOKE BBC giving it the green light.
I'd say harassed is the perfect way to put it. He got thrown under the bus with a co star who actually assaulted people. John admitted to trying to bring a light joke to an awkward atmosphere. He was wearing nothing but a robe and a sock for goodness sake. It was 2008, a time when everyone wasn't so wrapped up in crying about someone breathing on them too hard. It's not like groped or taped naked auditions of female co stars like the other chap who initially started thus entire ordeal. John's reputation has recovered more than enough for his figure to still be released. It's all down to perspective I suppose. Our views are subjective and I won't try convince you that mine is the correct one. How ever I do believe the Jack figure is worth every penny and will most definitely still come out. He was a major part of WHO universe and dwarves a figure.
It didn't just happen once he's been well known to whip it out at the drop of a hat. Apparently at a play he was doing he served the cast and crew cake and then showed them a video of him cutting the cake with his penis. Report say hes been known to flop it on peoples shoulders when theyre not looking as well. Barrowman is a grown man, he should know to not expose himself at work. He brought this on himself, he is not a victim.
Must have been a very traumatic experience for the Torchwood cast when they kept laughing and joking about it for years after at conventions. Nobody was harrassed. When the filming days are long, silly things are done to keep up the morale. You weren't there, you can't judge it.

Eve Myles got her "girls" out as well, they were just having fun together, I see no outrage about that.