1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

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BC's production/ release schedule has been so messed up I refused to pre-order any of the Daleks even though I want them SO badly! They have enough of our money in hand with Drs 4 and 6 plus The Master. I'm hoping beyond hope that they'll be able to pull it together enough to actually finish these , the Daleks and get to Drs 2, 5 & 7 at the very least.

Their line of The Doctor is what gave me my "push" into the 1/6 world. Looking forward to hearing something positive for this year!
Hang in there everyone!
It has...I do wonder when we will actually get some of them in-hand, seeing as the definitive Fourth doctor has been on order for (I think) 3 years and still no sign. Trying to hang in there but it's getting hard :lol I've actually been considering cancelling some of the non-Doctor figures I have on pre-order to free up funds for some other stuff I want. Not done so yet, but I'm close...
Came across all my old 1/6 DW figures in the loft and thought I'd see where things were at after cancelling all my pre-orders last year...

Looks like the BCS 1/6 is dead in the water :Flush

[Edit] remembered that they were going to make those Daleks too, still TBC... madness!
I canceled the last of my pre-orders. Since I payed in full, I'm hoping for some kind of refund (minus deposit). 🤞

I didn't have an issue getting a refund for my 6 pre-orders within a couple of days (sans deposit), but for some reason it was paid back into my account in the instalments that I originally paid instead of one lump sum.
I’m considering cancelling some of mine too…what with the long wait times and all, I’m starting to lose interest in the line. :(
I too want those Daleks, but none of my money is going near them till I get what I ordered years ago.
I had quality control issues on the light feature in the base for the Flash Gordon figures. And it just wasn't worth the hassle of addressing it. But It was a massive disappointment and has put me off future releases. I really wanted Big Chief to do well. Loads of smaller Boutique 1/6 Brands are doing so well. What is BC's issue. The cited 'production issues' and blamed 'covid' essentially when I contacted them last. Even then, they couldn't give me and idea of a date.
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I’ve had it with BCS now. That’s it. It’s March and still no updates or sign of the definitive Tom. And EVERYTHING is TBC.

I ordered the definitive 4th THREE YEARS AGO. It’s a f’ing DOLL. What kind of ’company’ are they?! I just messaged them to cancel my last remaining orders; Jack and K9, EXCEPT definitive Tom. Even then if they say he won‘t be ready for summer I’m just going to tell them to **** off and I’ll just enjoy the older figure.

Just insane. I hope they go broke. They can’t blame Covid anymore. Everyone has been so patient. There’s something dodgy going on I bet on it. Who’s with me that they‘ll go under and therefore not have to deliver anything else but they’ll have managed to get some money out of the business anyway?
I don't see them going under, as they can still survive as distributors of other brands like HT etc. They'll probably end up getting out of producing their own 1/6 scale figures though.
Delays, QC issues and the huge price tag they charge will put pay to it.
I’ve had it with BCS now. That’s it. It’s March and still no updates or sign of the definitive Tom. And EVERYTHING is TBC.

I ordered the definitive 4th THREE YEARS AGO. It’s a f’ing DOLL. What kind of ’company’ are they?! I just messaged them to cancel my last remaining orders; Jack and K9, EXCEPT definitive Tom. Even then if they say he won‘t be ready for summer I’m just going to tell them to **** off and I’ll just enjoy the older figure.

Just insane. I hope they go broke. They can’t blame Covid anymore. Everyone has been so patient. There’s something dodgy going on I bet on it. Who’s with me that they‘ll go under and therefore not have to deliver anything else but they’ll have managed to get some money out of the business anyway?
I would hesitate to accuse anyone of something ‘dodgy’ without evidence. I don’t see any dishonesty here. Just arrogance, incompetence, and contempt for their customers. That said, I personally wouldn’t preorder anything with them in case they did go under, taking the money with them. But they’re not Molecule 8 or Twitch squad by a long way.
I just wish they'd level with customers and give their best, educated 'guess' at when these things will be in hand. Surely it's not beyond a company to do that. I'm pretty sure someone from BC has a presence here. Just let people know when their stuff is going to come.
I just wish they'd level with customers and give their best, educated 'guess' at when these things will be in hand. Surely it's not beyond a company to do that. I'm pretty sure someone from BC has a presence here. Just let people know when their stuff is going to come.
:exactly: Same. It would be nice to have at least a rough timeframe of when we might get them.
I just wish they'd level with customers and give their best, educated 'guess' at when these things will be in hand. Surely it's not beyond a company to do that. I'm pretty sure someone from BC has a presence here. Just let people know when their stuff is going to come.
They used to have a rep in the Bond threads. Maybe it was the critic of their figures that frightened them away.
I hope I get my Definitive 4th and K9, Then I'm out. Might buy those Daleks, but cash, when they list as in stock. This is getting too 'Haslab' for my tastes.