1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

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Take this with a fistful of salt, but I live in Birmingham and a 'friend of a friend' works with BCS.

They claimed they're fulfilling the Definitive 4th Doc and Delgado before 'potentially' cancelling all remaining pre-orders. Pre-orders on items with a TBC timeframe have a very high probability of being cancelled, altogether. Apparently this is to avert a mass-cancellation of orders all at once.

One of the reasons given was that the 6th Doc's coat is proving costly and difficult to produce in high quantities, as well as the investment in new moulds for the K9 and Daleks (the latter having very underwhelming pre-orders).

The companies move towards becoming a sole vendor of 1:6 figures and statues is to generate liquidity to fulfil these cancellation costs and keep the company afloat for future ventures.

I asked about how they're able to invest and produce the 3.75 inch figures, and this is for several reasons:
Existing infrastructure in China to rapidly produce these types of figures. (even YouTubers are able to make very small runs of these figures in their own likeness to sell at a reasonable price)
Manufacturers more familiar with this 'style' of figure, making communication and signing-off easier.
Far fewer components, only 6 parts, fewer if you reuse similar arms and legs on other figures.
Cheaper to paint and faster to assemble.
Cheaper packaging.
Reduced shipping costs to UK due to carton size.

Like I said, take this with an almighty pinch of salt, but the person absolutely would be in a position to be privy to this information.
Total and utter lies. This person is lying to the community and making up their own nonsense to stir up trouble. None of this is true.

It is no secret that we have been plagued with delays from the outset, with one delay creating further knock on delays to other products. We have only just taken delivery of our Peaky Blinders figures that were originally scheduled to be completed last July!

Need we remind you that China were still suffering intermittent lockdowns and restrictions to their daily lives pretty much up until Q4 of last year. The knock on effect of this has resulted in our long overdue products being put into a production queue, with factories prioritising higher volume orders over our more niche lines.

We understand that people waiting on products are frustrated, as are we as we want them shipped as soon as possible.

We have not offered any new BCS 1:6 scale figures for well over a year now, as we do not think it fair to expect customers to pay more out in advance whilst they are waiting on products. We have even stopped taking payment plans for new pre-order third party products from Hot Toys etc as these are now seeing release dates of up to two years, sometimes more.

We are very aware that customers want updates, but when factories are reluctant to give dates, all we can say is a vague "summer" or "autumn". Working with China is becoming increasingly more difficult - our problem, not yours, we know,

We are still very much operational and working to deliver your figures. This is NOT a LIE. What has been claimed above is not BCS it is TOTAL BS!!!
Okay, not sure why my post was deleted as I didn't ask a question, only left a comment saying Big Chief needs to keep us in the loop on when we might see out figures. Some of us have a lot of money tied up in pre-orders with no idea when we might see our figures, like me and the 6th Doctor. I don't know if it's coming this year, next year or what and since it's been on order for years that's a problem. An email every quarter with an update on expected dates would be nice.
Okay, not sure why my post was deleted as I didn't ask a question, only left a comment saying Big Chief needs to keep us in the loop on when we might see out figures. Some of us have a lot of money tied up in pre-orders with no idea when we might see our figures, like me and the 6th Doctor. I don't know if it's coming this year, next year or what and since it's been on order for years that's a problem. An email every quarter with an update on expected dates would be nice.

Yeah I noticed your post vanished, thought you'd deleted it.

Just as quickly as they appear, BCS is gone again...

Surprised my post wasn't deleted, it clearly struck a nerve.
Okay, not sure why my post was deleted as I didn't ask a question, only left a comment saying Big Chief needs to keep us in the loop on when we might see out figures. Some of us have a lot of money tied up in pre-orders with no idea when we might see our figures, like me and the 6th Doctor. I don't know if it's coming this year, next year or what and since it's been on order for years that's a problem. An email every quarter with an update on expected dates would be nice.
That's odd that your post got removed. If that's what you posted it's hard to see what's wrong with it - I've been saying similar for a while! I agree 100% with what you've said - they have a lot of my money too and I still have no figures. We just wanna know when we might see the figures in-hand...an update email of sorts would be nice, even if it just does say "figure X to release est. Summer 2024" or something - at least we'd then have some idea.

Yeah I noticed your post vanished, thought you'd deleted it.

Just as quickly as they appear, BCS is gone again...

Surprised my post wasn't deleted, it clearly struck a nerve.
They have...as was the post asking for a release update on the new Four? :unsure: (unless I imagined it :lol). I was surprised to see they had been in and posted - for a moment I thought it might have been a update!
Okay, not sure why my post was deleted as I didn't ask a question, only left a comment saying Big Chief needs to keep us in the loop on when we might see out figures. Some of us have a lot of money tied up in pre-orders with no idea when we might see our figures, like me and the 6th Doctor. I don't know if it's coming this year, next year or what and since it's been on order for years that's a problem. An email every quarter with an update on expected dates would be nice.

They can't answer questions or communicate with customers/potential customers on the forum because they aren't sponsors.

Their response to the rumour was permitted ro remain public, but from now on they will need to join the sponsorship program in order to continue to communicate about their business.
Yeah I noticed your post vanished, thought you'd deleted it.

Just as quickly as they appear, BCS is gone again...

Surprised my post wasn't deleted, it clearly struck a nerve.
I’m surprised too since your BS post was clearly an attempt to stir the pot.
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The original post was deleted. The quote had to remain otherwise it wouldn't be clear what BCS was debunking. The debunk had to remain otherwise it might fuel the rumour if it was to disappear, followed by BCS' inability to respond due to their lack of sponsor status.
So as BC have a presence here. How about a simple statement from them about when various figures will be due. Even as they said 'Summer or Autumn etc'. and what year. Please.
They’ve left a comment on a Facebook post saying that an email update on the future releases will be sent out soon, so hopefully we should know more soon.

EDIT - just received the email, looks like Q4 2023 & Q1 2024 for the Who figures.
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They’ve left a comment on a Facebook post saying that an email update on the future releases will be sent out soon, so hopefully we should know more soon.

EDIT - just received the email, looks like Q4 2023 & Q1 2024 for the Who figures.
Is this email being sent by them to Customers, because I haven't heard a Dickie Bird yet.
I mean they even have a NEWS page, so why not just update us. This does not fill me with confidence.
They are alienating their Customer Base. And this is such Poor customer service.
I did not get the e-mail either. I have opted out of receiving the newsletter as I did not want my inbox flooded with Star Wars figures for ordering as I am not interested in Star Wars (or other fandoms).

Is there a setting to just receive customer e-mails? I haven't found it yet.