1/6 Doctor Who Figures - BCS and everything else

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Here's a pic of the 9th Dr with the unmodded Flagset 5.0 Asian body. The legs are kind of strange looking, hence why i swapped them out.
But it still works fine though and is a good alterative to the stock body, especially the body that came with the Zavvi version.

Re: Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #04 Tom Baker

Will order i'm hoping there will be a signed edition. You have to love the fact that they have the powdered sugar on the jelly babies that is attention to detail.
looks like they don't have signed edition.
Some months back I sent an email to Big Chief about this and I was told that they had contracted with new companies for make their figures and had every intention of getting figures out by the end of the year. I hope so I have several different figures on order with them.
I’m suspicious of their very generous sales they’ve been doing. I bought a Flash Gordon for about £119. The other doctors are the same. At a GUESS they’re getting ready to close, hence I cancelled my special editions in case £1000 is written off.

I’ve kept the new Tom though.That BETTER appear. I will order the other definitives if they’re made. Dubious to say the least. Chibs, Jodie et al have DECIMATED demand for Who.
Are any of the "sales" still going? How low can one obtain the Zavvi 1/6 Doctors in the UK? Do any locations there offer US shipping? Found it quite odd and frustrating that none of those markdowns ever reached the US despite the fact Doctor Who was incredibly popular here back in the day (and of course in the start of the Nu-Who era but not the mega popularity it enjoyed abroad). I just can't in good conscience pay over 200 for a figure we all know cut tons of corners for a "budget" release. Especially knowing it can be had for roughly half that elsewhere.
Never really thought about that.
Looking back at my emails, they seem to have sale periods at least once a month, sometimes more.

What's the going prices over there during the sales at Big Chief and/or any other place that offers them? I still want them but not at 200+ (especially knowing possibly much better versions will eventually be available + witnessing the quality being offered by Exo6 on their Star Trek line, knowing TWOK is imminent at *hopefully* still pricing in the 200-250 range).

Places having constant sales do make you wonder, rightfully so. That's usually one of the first steps in trying to avoid bankruptcy. Not that I would know or even suspect this could be an issue--they may just be doing Summer sales to make room for more stock. But it is worth noting at least. Eaglemoss was one of the biggies in recent memory. But they may have just ditched the smaller models and be focusing on builder sets calling themselves FanHome. At least it *looks* like them.
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💆‍♂️🤦‍♂️ maaaaan.....its genuinely frustrating seeing posts like these. I love how you post crap like "Tom figure BETTER appear" and the fact you're withdrawing pre order funds on a "GUESS" or whatever crazy theory you may have cooked up in your own head. Yet somehow still expect these companies to produce figures while you're literally pulling the carpet out from under them.

I wonder if you realise that these companies rely on pre order funds to produce these figures we all love so much. It's not like they have a benefactor or some sort of backlog of cash they stash away to pay the factories in china to produce them.
The most rational explanation for the generous sales they're putting on would be that, the company needs funds to produce, market and advertise the next lot of figures due to release. Impatient people who concoct their own crazy rumors and somehow end up believing them are the most frustrating part about this hobby. You somehow expect the 4th definitive to come out while bagging on the company for providing you with great sales 🤦‍♂️. Geez I'm not Big Chiefs number one fan or anything but start thinking rationally for once.

It’s genuinely frustrating when people seem to overlook what is an OBVIOUS serious problem at Big Chief. They still have all their upcoming Doctor figures as ‘release: TBA’. Covid is no longer an excuse, they should know when a figure a lot of us ordered OVER TWO (THREE?) YEARS AGO is coming out by now. That’s simply not normal.

Sorry if you think I should be risking £1300 or whatever it is for the definitive 9-12 Doctors which are also still TBA (if they do get made we ain’t seeing them until 2025) but I’ll keep that for paying my bills and buy them if they do indeed get released.
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It’s genuinely frustrating when people seem to overlook what is an OBVIOUS serious problem at Big Chief. They still have all their upcoming Doctor figures as ‘release: TBA’. Covid is no longer an excuse, they should know when a figure a lot of us ordered OVER TWO (THREE?) YEARS AGO is coming out by now. That’s simply not normal.

Sorry if you think I should be risking £1300 or whatever it is for the definitive 9-12 Doctors which are also still TBA (if they do get made we ain’t seeing them until 2025) but I’ll keep that for paying my bills and buy them if they do indeed get released.
It's simple really. I think we are all aware that BCS is an unusually slow company. So instead of pre ordering impulsively then complaining about cancelling that pre order let's just order the figures when they come out. I'm not overlooking their short comings at all I'm just applying common sense to the situation.
It's simple really. I think we are all aware that BCS is an unusually slow company. So instead of pre ordering impulsively then complaining about cancelling that pre order let's just order the figures when they come out. I'm not overlooking their short comings at all I'm just applying common sense to the situation.
I'm considering this tactic for their Definitive 4th Doctor figure, and just waiting for a release. I'd like a Doctor in my collection and if I think "Dr. Who" it's Baker's face I see first.

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And is it so that the photos of D4thDr show a "placeholder" head sculpt that is supposed to be updated in production?
Just got an email. Big Chief is done. They're insolvent and going into liquidation cannot offer refunds. The email just came through so I need more time to read it but I said they were clearly having money issues and their whole situation seemed fishy. While I'm mostly happy with their figures they were terribly run. I hope I can get my money for the 6th Doctor back and that the rest of you can get a refund too.