1/6 Dooku AND Grievous before end of 2011?

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From yesterday's Ask Sideshow:

Will you think to make 1/6 scale Count Dooku and Grievous figures? These 2 figures are very important in Star Wars Universe!

Don’t spoil the surprise for anyone else, but the answer is yes. Dooku is underway now, and Grievous is getting a serious look-over as a likely candidate for late 2010 or 2011.

Good news... Hopefully we'll see something definite to back this possibility. Maybe a 1/6 Grievous unveiled at next year's SDCC?
Yeah I wondered when someone would start a thread on this...

Finally a SW announcement I can get excited about.
Remember those old threads in 2006 saying that Grievous would never be a possibility because he'd cost "close to $100" and no one would ever pay that much for a SW figure...:lol
Darth Vader changed the way we looked at our wallets and collecting SS figures..If they raised the bar on quality..we will pay more...
am i right?
Awesome news. He should come with the sound of his evil laughter built in. I sure don't look forward to the price tag considering his size and the materials needed to keep his thin arms from bending/warping.
Darth Vader changed the way we looked at our wallets and collecting SS figures..If they raised the bar on quality..we will pay more...
am i right?

Isn't that what we're doing now? :dunno I wonder, if like the Clone bodies, HT has their hands in developing the body for Grievous.
I bet the exclusive Grievous will come with extra metal lightsaber hilts to hold in his cape. (Cape, extra arms, and lit sabers will be standard.)

Dooku exclusive will come with a severed head and hands...(sith lightning bolt, sabers and cape all standard.)

if all else fails a "unique force choke hand" will surely jack up the price say 50 bucks? lol

good guess?
Very cool news... Dooku is not a surprise, but Grievous is. He was one of the figures that Sideshow (if I remember correctly) stated they would not make. Cool to see he's on the table... especially as this really opens up the door to a lot of great non-standard body figures... not just simple ones like the Gammorrean guard.
I bet the exclusive Grievous will come with extra metal lightsaber hilts to hold in his cape. (Cape, extra arms, and lit sabers will be standard.)

Dooku exclusive will come with a severed head and hands...(sith lightning bolt, sabers and cape all standard.)

if all else fails a "unique force choke hand" will surely jack up the price say 50 bucks? lol

good guess?

The Dooku exclusive will probably be the Death Star Hologram.
Grevious isn't a surprise, the second they said they'd never make Grevious, SSC was backpedaling with each new progression in the Star Wars figures. If they are smart, they'll make the lightsabers molded to the hands and have hands that can switch out with and without because I just don't see it holding.
Grevious isn't a surprise, the second they said they'd never make Grevious, SSC was backpedaling with each new progression in the Star Wars figures. If they are smart, they'll make the lightsabers molded to the hands and have hands that can switch out with and without because I just don't see it holding.

I think they're realizing there are fewer "must have" figures in the line now than back in aught-five and aught-six.
I think they're realizing there are fewer "must have" figures in the line now than back in aught-five and aught-six.

That and they've already milked the heck out of this line with all the Jedi figures. Its about time they gave us more bad guys from the movies. I wouldn't mind seeing some EU figures like Darth Bane.
Darth bane would be the only EU fig I would get!! That would be cool