1/6 Dooku AND Grievous before end of 2011?

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Dooku was a pretty crappy character too. Even the actor that played him thought so.

Really? I think the one line in AOTC about Sidious and his bit about Qui-Gon really sealed it for me...

"What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of a dark lord of the Sith?"
Isn't that what we're doing now? :dunno I wonder, if like the Clone bodies, HT has their hands in developing the body for Grievous.

Only Way to make him right, and not as an unposeable piece of poo.

That and they've already milked the heck out of this line with all the Jedi figures. Its about time they gave us more bad guys from the movies. I wouldn't mind seeing some EU figures like Darth Bane.

Bring on more EU. Getting thrawn and his command chair, DO WANT MOAR.

How About a Clone Wars Cad Bane?

He could come with his bodyguard's spear weapon (but then they'd never be able to release that with a bodyguard-- IF that was ever made) as he used on Utapau when fighting Obi Wan. Maybe an alternate chest piece that could be attached to show his organic heart?.. Or head with flaming eyeballs... :horror

iI'd say the burned, damaged chest piece is the best choice for an exclusive.

They'd have to. They even worked with them for the Pro and Armor bodies. So a Grievous is a no-brainer team-up. Especially with all of the Terminator Endoskeletons they've done recently. Grievous is just a bigger, more complex Endo.

Was gonna say

Actually, Grievous is probably easier than an Endo, the trickiest thing with Grievous would be the split arms, and if they choose to go that far, articulate fingers like the Endo, but his legs and torso are pretty solid compared to the pistons and such the Endo is comprised of. The biggest thing is tightness of joints on Grievous, something that tall will really need tight joints to pose and stay stable.

But maulfan beat me to it. Best thing to do as far as his joints are concerned is probobly to have exposed scres in the knees, ankles, hips, elbows, shooulders, etc, so they can be tightened as need be.

that, or put plastic, REMOVEABLE plugs over them, like medicom does.

Grievous is a pretty cool design, but do people even really like that character? :huh He sucked nuts in ROTS.

A 1:6 Dooku, however, is good news indeed.

I'd say that about 1/2 the Love for grevious comes from his design ALONE, and the other half comes from how they've built his character in the Clonewars series.

Someone had suggested lightsabers coming molded to his hands, so if that happened they could have a hand/blaster combo that would not violate their exclusive rule.

I'd say that's probobly the best option to keep his hands and sabers designed properly.