$270.00 USD shipped from onesixthkit is a very competitive and good price considering the MSRP is right at $300.00 USD and you get essentially two figures / two looks (you need to supply an extra spare body).
If one chooses to buy it from a US based vendor, then one has to pay shipping on top of the MSRP or possible discounted price in addition to waiting for US vendors to receive it from their distributor(s).
onesixthkit is based out of Asia and will receive it first (as Asia based vendors do) at least a month or two before US based vendors do.
The production run is limited (nowhere near HOT TOYS numbers); therefore, it's truly a limited edition/run collectible.
I suspect a number of US based loose parts vendors will cannibalize the figure and sell the accessories, etc. for way more than the typical / usual price to all those who have existing custom head sculpts / builds and need the finishing accessories.
I'm pre-ordering mine (multiples) from onesixthkit. OSK have a very well earned reputation for being reliable and trustworthy among collectors.