you purposely not put the external helmet on him? looks rather plain without it, also the helmet should be worn abit lower at the front to make him look more serious.
Right now he looks funny like a bunny with those "tiny ears".
Really cool! Didn't know you could use the mask and helmet on the base on the figure itself.
you purposely not put the external helmet on him? looks rather plain without it, also the helmet should be worn abit lower at the front to make him look more serious.
Right now he looks funny like a bunny with those "tiny ears".
I've had this guy for a while, but just sat down to put him together. The most complex HT figure to put together since the early Predators. And a lot of the glue they used for straps and velcro pads didn't stay stuck, so I had some supergluing to do. But I'm digging him. It really shows how well HT could do if they decided to do knights in armor.
I also like the display base - I wish they'd do more display bases with this smaller footprint rather than the huge ones that take up so much room.
you do realize they probably added $50 on the price tag just for that Base because it's unusual to have such "detailed" looking base.
This guy aint much more complex that the Takara Kerberos but price is close to double.
I've had this guy for a while, but just sat down to put him together. The most complex HT figure to put together since the early Predators. And a lot of the glue they used for straps and velcro pads didn't stay stuck, so I had some supergluing to do. But I'm digging him. It really shows how well HT could do if they decided to do knights in armor.
I also like the display base - I wish they'd do more display bases with this smaller footprint rather than the huge ones that take up so much room.
can i ask what was hard to put together? in the unboxing shots i have seen he looks ready to go sans the backpack/radio. im close to gettin one now, a (few more tee sales and im good!) so just was wondering wht i will be in for when i get it. kinda new to 1/6, i.e. dressing the art figures dredd was def a ordeal, lol.
The little straps to put on the backpack. Getting the batteries in - nothing major, but did take more time than usual for a modern HT figure.
I've had the Takara and the Dragon versions and this one blows both out of the water in terms of detail and accessories. I don't recall the backpack on either of those, nor did they light up or have an Ed Harris head sculpt.
The little straps to put on the backpack. Getting the batteries in - nothing major, but did take more time than usual for a modern HT figure.