I guess I'm one of those talking themselves into liking it, but compared to what else has been on the 1:6 market, I still think the ROTJ is/was the best Hamill likeness so far.
Don't get me wrong, there's certainly still a huge amount of improvement possible and it's a sculpt I'd like to replace some day. I'm still undecided whether this sculpt actually achieves that, though. In the official shots, some of the angles make this look really good, certainly better than the ROTJ version. But those convention shots/videos look more like some mid-twenties smooth-skinned youngster to me. Looking at actual ROTJ shots of Hamill and not some idealized mental image we might have in our minds, Hamill already had quite a rough and asymmetrical face that this sculpt does not capture IMO. So I guess it feels more like a lateral step to me (improving some things, messing up others) than a clear and vast improvement.
Having said that, I'm still hovering with my mouse over the pre-order button.

I want to see this sculpt in person, and I love poseable eyes in my figures. I just hope I could make the ROTJ hair work on this, or some customizer steps up to offer it, because I only need one Luke in my collection, and it's ROTJ.