1/6 1/6 Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien - Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

So it's safe to say you're not buying it then.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Me? I'm undecided. This should be a no brainer but I'm not sold. I certainly don't think it's as bad as some do.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Well I've been watching Sigourney Weaver films since '79. I see a young Sigourney in that sculpt. It's not perfect, but is there a perfect Hot Toys figure? There will always be a debate on this.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

That depp pirates DX figure. Not to derail, but it's the best figure they ever made. My .02 of course.

But I'll wait until this comes out given the teeth in the promo shots.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

:lol :lol :lol

I'm of course still buying this figure (if that earlier question was directed at me), just read back through the thread for confirmation of that.

Still, not pre-ordering, not buying at nearly $400 AUD, & happily waiting for a sale. :)
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Well I've been watching Sigourney Weaver films since '79. I see a young Sigourney in that sculpt. It's not perfect, but is there a perfect Hot Toys figure? There will always be a debate on this.

This one deserves to be posted twice.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Still undecided. If it were Aliens or Alien 3 Ripley then I may be more swayed to pre ordering straight away but idk what to do. She could sell out really quickly and become huge ass expensive online afterwards OR she could go the Iron Man 3 Mandarin route and be obscenely cheap to get even after all the time out.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

i canceled my pre-order. Might reconsider once the figure is released and i can see a legit photo of the finished product.
Im really hoping we get an Elizabeth Shaw figure after the new movie comes out
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Pre-ordering only works if the units are low & it's a hot potato.

I see this figure hanging around for ages.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

I think I'm more excited by having the BLACKBOX x BLACKHOLE - 1:6 A Dark Star's World HR.Giger standing along side Ms Weaver. Should look pretty cool. image.jpegimage.jpeg
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

What are the chances HT will make any other members of the Nostromo crew?
I would get the lot probably. Ash especially.

I'd love an Ash for my collection, but I've given up all hope on having an officially released Nostromo crew. They live on in my domain environments though, each of my server names is named for a crew member. (hey if you're IT Director you can design and layout as you see fit!) At my last job Jonesy was my email server, Parker was was my edge server, Lambert file server, Kane my websense/SQL server. Sure makes it more fun than SERVER1 or DC1 as names. And no to divert anyone sniffing out my DC, it wasn't Dallas or Ash since they were senior officers....

You've been collecting Hot Toys for a long time now, I thought it was clear. Make Iron Man and Star Wars, all other priorities rescinded.

No chance.


I think it was inevitable that once they secured the Star Wars license it was always going to be the priority.

It will be interesting to see what happens to the Alien/Predator/Terminator licenses over the next few years as to whether another company picks them up...

I am beginning to think that they just bid to obtain the licenses, see if they get them, and then sit on them because while they ahve them, no one else can, so they essentially corner the market. Then when they do deceide to do something with the license, they do something small, but end up doing it half assed and then bemoan the lack of sales and support so they **** can the remainder of the plans for the license, let it sit, and then just lapse.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

It's not perfect, but is there a perfect Hot Toys figure?

Uh, yeah. They're nailing likenesses with Suicide Squad, Affleck Bats, and most of their current Marvel stuff.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

Will Smith is clearly Will Smith, but not dead on, just like Weaver. Jared Leto, same thing. This could go on and on.
People don't like Weavers sculpt, some people do. Neither is going to change the others mind.
Re: Hot Toys: Ellen Ripley - Alien (Updated with new prototype HS)

I'd argue there are varying degrees of a sculpt being dead on, but fair enough. I certainly agree with your last point. :lol