I really disliked Alien Resurrection. Bizarre script by Joss Whedon that didn't fit the tone of the previous films at all, contrived revival of Ripley as some kind of hyper-sexualised xenomorph/human hybrid, strange production design choices that almost but didn't quite fit with the previous films, that ridiculous-looking Newborn thing, the list goes on.
Imagine if they'd let Ripley stay dead and focused on adapting something like Stronghold or Labyrinth from Dark Horse...
Screw the cinematic universe. It's an unnecessary leash that only seems to result in greater creative and executive pressure. Make a good, compelling, standalone film.
i easily imagined Clooney playing Vader in that pic.P. would love that!
The reasons why I believe that one day 25 years from now Prometheus will be seen as a masterpiece. Not from us, as so many of us hang strong to the "Alien" lore from our upbringing but from young today that will have Prometheus as their foundation and a constant to judge their own Sci-fi movies!
Totally not going to happen. I'd wager 2017 is off the table full stop at this point.
Stock on the way soon
Somewhere at a toy store or exhibit in Asia a few minutes ago...