Agree, it turned out well, very pleased alsoReally? I PO'd mine on 5/9/16 but I"m relegated to Oct/Nov shipment. Wonder if I call them and ***** at them if they can ship from HK direct?
Figure looks good so am excited....about time though...
Agree, it turned out well, very pleased alsoReally? I PO'd mine on 5/9/16 but I"m relegated to Oct/Nov shipment. Wonder if I call them and ***** at them if they can ship from HK direct?
Figure looks good so am excited....about time though...
This one is like Weavers cousin. The basics are there, but it's not refined at all despite the copious delays
There's been whining for years now about this being delayed and when it's finally out... people can't whine about how awful it turned out?![]()
Apparently we're just supposed to be grateful for the scraps from Longshanks table. Wait for 3 years and then any oul **** will do. I also don't understand the logic.
That being said, it seems like a mild improvement on the proto - in some shots anyway. Alas it needed to be Alex Murphy/DX14 Joker level to get a purchase from me at this point and it's just not there.
To the BTTFII threads!
I agree, not excellent, but not as bad as some are stating..Nope, personally I'm thrilled beyond all expectations for how lots of figures turn out. This one is "just OK."
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I'm still surprised people were slamming this sculpt way back when. Say what you will about the rooted hair, but the upper eyelids were much more prominent and greatly helped the likeness.
That's the one area where the final sculpt could use some improvement. They seem to have gotten rid of her eyelids entirely.
Apart from that, I'm happy with it. Spent the last ten minutes looking at photos from the 1979 production and, while her eyelids were definitely more prominent, her overall 'look' seemed to change depending on angle and light, much like this figure. This is likely the best we're going to get, especially for economic reasons.
Will place my order come morning. In the words of Alien 3's Morse: "____ it! Let's go for it!"
Looking at that again, it's a far better likeness than what we got on the final product. Even if it has some inaccuracies it's more instantly recognisable as Weaver than the revised version, which seems to only look like her from certain angles, and her stunt double from others.
I don't talk it about often but I am borderline-autistically obsessed with Alien as a movie. Will probably pick this figure up anyway as it's unlikely anything better is going to be forthcoming within the next decade. The cat is now a different flavour of awful and her jumpsuit is entirely the wrong colour but whatever. Guess the odds of more of the Nostromo crew being made are so low that Ash would extend his sympathies...
My only issue that jumps out to me from the original proto is the shapeless hair. Too Adrienne Barbeau. This one has a much better textured skin where as the final has no tones or contours much like Matrix. And yes, Jonesy is a mess.
Yeah, my first though on seeing that extreme closeup one of the HK bloggers posted. There's almost no texture to her skin whatsoever.
Interesting that there's not one picture of the back of Ripley's outfit -- that complicated latticework of ties.
Didn't Star Puffs suggest that may have been the delay? Wonder if its even still there? You'd think one of the photographers would think that's interesting.