Sometimes people have an internal struggle with how they feel about a certain figure and it can evoke a mixed range of emotions. If they want it, they get it. if they dont want it, they wont. But there is a frustrating middle ground where you want to like the figure but the execution of the figure is not to your satisfaction. This frustration leads to a 50/50 where you either say, screw it ill buy it and decide when i see it for myself. Or the other option which is not buy it. However the decision not to buy it often manifests as passive aggressive behavior thats is not actually directed at anybody in particular, its blanket statements, as more often than not the poster is subconsciously talking to themselves as to convince themselves they are doing the right thing by disapproving of the figure because the disappointment is still lingering and they havent fully given up hope of ever owning the figure yet. If somebody had 0 interest in a figure at all they wouldnt even visit a thread, let alone be annoyed enough about the figure to actually be upset. So i wouldnt take too much offence when you feel somebody is pooping on a figure you like, its more them venting their own frustration.