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Thanks for pointing that out NERD. Like how many people would know, huh? Or how many care?
Well you must care. Other wise why waste your time responding and looking up a pathetic gif? Is your life really that empty that you have nothing better to do than insult people on the internet? I mean, we all know that you only say these things while hiding behind your computer. I seriously doubt you walk around talking to strangers like that but hey it's the internet be an a** if you want. Also you do know you're on a forum where people talk about collecting toys right?
Ok I want to put this Arkham clone stuff to rest. The Arkham games copied the combat system from the Spider-Man 2 and 3 games. They just made the combat more cinematic. It's true that the Arkham games are widely praised but I'm just tired of everyone acting like the Arkham games built the combat from the ground up. They "copied" the Spider-Man games. Which is why Batman basically has spider sense in the Arkham games.

Not trying to be rude I just don't think many people know this.

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk

Not rude at all. And I don't mean to say that the combat was ripped off. I should have clarified, I meant more of the structure of the game, especially the collectibles. Though to be fair, we're only at 46% complete right now. But the research labs/fisk hideouts/backpacks/landmark pics are all very Arkham style collectibles to chase down. As far as the combat, I know a lot of people claim Arkham did it first but God of War, the older Spider-man games etc all had this type of fluid combat. Anyways, I'm not mad that this is a bit of a clone in terms of game design, everything else is fantastic.
Ok I want to put this Arkham clone stuff to rest. The Arkham games copied the combat system from the Spider-Man 2 and 3 games. They just made the combat more cinematic. It's true that the Arkham games are widely praised but I'm just tired of everyone acting like the Arkham games built the combat from the ground up. They "copied" the Spider-Man games. Which is why Batman basically has spider sense in the Arkham games.

Not trying to be rude I just don't think many people know this.

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk

Agreed. If anything this game is a "clone" of it's predecessors. Which makes sense because those early Spider-Man games got a lot of things right. That said, Insomniac has clearly learned a lot and given us a breathtaking Spider-Man experience on their own.
Well you must care. Other wise why waste your time responding and looking up a pathetic gif? Is your life really that empty that you have nothing better to do than insult people on the internet? I mean, we all know that you only say these things while hiding behind your computer. I seriously doubt you walk around talking to strangers like that but hey it's the internet be an a** if you want. Also you do know you're on a forum where people talk about collecting toys right?

That was obvious sarcasm on his part. And the gif just give it away by itself.
That was obvious sarcasm on his part. And the gif just give it away by itself.
I'm obviously being sarcastic in my response. How could you not tell? I have to put a gif in my response for it to qualify as sarcasm? Jeez people can't even respond to sarcasm with sarcasm anymore.
Ok I want to put this Arkham clone stuff to rest. The Arkham games copied the combat system from the Spider-Man 2 and 3 games. They just made the combat more cinematic. It's true that the Arkham games are widely praised but I'm just tired of everyone acting like the Arkham games built the combat from the ground up. They "copied" the Spider-Man games. Which is why Batman basically has spider sense in the Arkham games.

Not trying to be rude I just don't think many people know this.

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk

I think the first few hours feel very arkham like but once you start unlocking the powers and gadgets this very quickly becomes a spider-man experience and I personally forgot all about Arkham after a few hours into the game. My gf felt the same way, she said it was disappointing that at first it felt like an Arkham game at first but then it quickly shifts into being a Spider-Man game.
I think the first few hours feel very arkham like but once you start unlocking the powers and gadgets this very quickly becomes a spider-man experience and I personally forgot all about Arkham after a few hours into the game. My gf felt the same way, she said it was disappointing that at first it felt like an Arkham game at first but then it quickly shifts into being a Spider-Man game.

For sure the gadget and skill upgrades are more involved than the Arkham games. Even the fighting mechanics are much more involved, I've played maybe 6 or 7 hours and am still learning my fighting style. Web zipping around super fast and doing tricks is addicting. This shares some core mechanics with the Arkham series, it's different enough where it counts though, which is why i'm not bothered by the similarities to other games like this.

I think I had only played a few hours before I was like "crap, I need to pre-order this Hot Toys figure right now". I didn't originally like this suit before the game launch, now it's one of my favorites. The white pops. I will pass on the Hot Toys Spider-Punk, but I'd pay money for a Hot Toys Spider-Ham, real talk.
I think I had only played a few hours before I was like "crap, I need to pre-order this Hot Toys figure right now". I didn't originally like this suit before the game launch, now it's one of my favorites. The white pops. I will pass on the Hot Toys Spider-Punk, but I'd pay money for a Hot Toys Spider-Ham, real talk.

I had the exact same thought process about this figure. Before I played the game I didn't like the suit, after I completed the main story I decided I had to pre-order this figure. I used this suit for at least 80% of the game.
I think the first few hours feel very arkham like but once you start unlocking the powers and gadgets this very quickly becomes a spider-man experience and I personally forgot all about Arkham after a few hours into the game. My gf felt the same way, she said it was disappointing that at first it felt like an Arkham game at first but then it quickly shifts into being a Spider-Man game.
I just finished the game. I agree with you that the similarities seem to fade as you play. It kind of feels like "the last of us' later on. About 85% and again right before the end, you'll have another feeling that you experienced this in arkham games though.

Now I have wait for the dlc, then the sequel, which I'm guessing will be a ps5 launch title.
Thanks for pointing that out NERD. Like how many people would know, huh? Or how many care?

1) You are on a toy collecting forum calling someone a nerd. That's a heavy dose of self loathing right there.
2) I didn't know, I do care, it was a worthwhile comment.
3) Are you Nelson in this scenario? The dumb broke bully who's lack of personal friends or any real world connections gives him crippling anxiety? Cool.
Im still bummed they never released the ASM2 Rhino. We need some spider baddies
Im still bummed they never released the ASM2 Rhino. We need some spider baddies
I know what you mean. I wasn't really a fan of that look for Rhino but we really do need more villains from Hot Toys. I'm fan of Iron Man but are 20 different suits necessary? It'd be nice to see Hot Toys work on some different characters.
I could see a Venom without a Brock head being possible. 50/50 on it happening though.

Venom def ain't happening. If we didn't see HT create figures to successful non-MCU films like Logan or Cable, I would not count on poorly-received* non-MCU Venom being made.

**Yes, it's of my opinion that this movie will be shredded by audience and critics. It will probably do modestly at the box office money-wise.
Venom def ain't happening. If we didn't see HT create figures to successful non-MCU films like Logan or Cable, I would not count on poorly-received* non-MCU Venom being made.

**Yes, it's of my opinion that this movie will be shredded by audience and critics. It will probably do modestly at the box office money-wise.

I think it’s still up in the air whether this is an MCU Venom film or not. At SDCC they said they definitely want Holland to face off with Venom eventually :dunno

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