Super Freak
Venom is most definitely not an MCU film. Not sure why you feel there's any confusion by that. Kevin Feige has repeatedly said it is not part of the MCU Spider deal with Sony. Sony may have wishful thinking, but not happening.
Venom is most definitely not an MCU film. Not sure why you feel there's any confusion by that. Kevin Feige has repeatedly said it is not part of the MCU Spider deal with Sony. Sony may have wishful thinking, but not happening.
Venom def ain't happening. If we didn't see HT create figures to successful non-MCU films like Logan or Cable, I would not count on poorly-received* non-MCU Venom being made.
**Yes, it's of my opinion that this movie will be shredded by audience and critics. It will probably do modestly at the box office money-wise.
Probably because when it was first announced, Feige said the exact opposite- that it was an MCU film. I’m guessing Sony is playing it safe and leaving it ambiguous for now with the possibility of retroactively including it into the MCU, should everyone want to go that way. But yes, I know Marvel Studios didn’t produce the film.
Probably because when it was first announced, Feige said the exact opposite- that it was an MCU film. I’m guessing Sony is playing it safe and leaving it ambiguous for now with the possibility of retroactively including it into the MCU, should everyone want to go that way. But yes, I know Marvel Studios didn’t produce the film.
I think Feige said it is "NOT" included in MCU. I think you are referring to amy pascual or something the one who is connected in sony
Very nice looking Spider-Man, but I already have one Hot Toys and have to make do with that one. Not willing to spend that much money for a figure which I can't freely pose or keep in a dynamic pose for a long time.
You don't know that for sure. No one does but HT. As far as critics are concerned, I don't give a damn what they think/say,
and I am sure there are numerous others that feel the same way.
Looking at the trailer I would say its very clear its not part of the MCU. Its dark in tone compared to the colourful homecoming.
So got around to playing this game for the first time last night...and WOW, do I suck! I died so many times in the first few tutorial stages....killed so many times by Kingpin...I really need to brush up on gaming...it's only my 2nd PS4 game...and I've owned it for 2 years now lol.
My first ps4 game ever and I’m happy with how much better I’ve gotten since I first started playing.
There was definitely a steep learning curve for me ha
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sony and MCU/Disney made a deal to cameo Spidey in Civil War. Then extended it for Spider-Man Homecoming. Venom appears to just be a Sony picture, like the Raimi Spider-man trilogy and the Amazing Spider-Man movies. For the darker tone Marvel stuff like Punisher Warzone, that had the "Marvel Knight" black logo. They aren't using that for Venom, Kevin Feige doesn't appear to even be a producer on this (he was for the Raimi trilogy), so from my limited perspective I do not think Venom is the 21st film in the MCU, rather in the bizzaro Sony world, like the X-Men and Fantastic 4 films being with 20th Century Fox and not in the MCU.
Nah the deal was made for 4 films. They’ll probably extend it. Venom may or may not be put in the universe but they do want him to fight Spider-Man. The xmen thankfully are now being bought by Disney so we will eventually see them. Dark Phoenix is the last Fox xmen film.
Correct, the deal was made for Spider-Man films, not Venom. I mean who doesn't want Venom to fight Spider-man? I'd just rather the MCU do venom. I like Tom Hardy, I think Venom looks good in the trailers, but I have very little desire to rush out and see it. I both like and dislike the X-men Fox movies for various reasons but Apocalypse was bad, oddly bad. I don't have very high hopes for Dark Phoenix and look forward to rebooting the X-men franchise tho I am rather tired of remakes and reboots.
I don't get how there is still this misunderstanding after all this time. Feige has gone out on record to clear up that any films SONY produces on their own is separate from the MCU. In fact, MCU is loaning Spidey from SONY for only 6 films:
3 solo films under Spider-Man title, 3 team-up films under whatever MCU film he will show up in.
So far he has fulfilled 1 solo film, but it will be 2 when FFH is released.
2 team-up films have been fulfilled: CW and IW and the next one will be fulfilled in IW2.
So that pretty much leaves Tom Holland for one more solo appearance after FFH.
Any film solely produced by SONY is absolutely not a part of MCU by any means. So Venom exists in its own lil universe, which SONY had dubbed "Sony's Universe of Marvel Characters," which is a terrible and wordy name for a shared universe: SUMC...which, in my opinion, should be pronounced SUCK.
So hate to break it to you guys, but Holland will NOT face off against Hardy.
Hopefully Venom bombs so Marvel Studios can just outright buy back their property, so they can continue using Spidey after his 3rd solo movie.
Dark Phoenix is the last Fox xmen film.