I think a non-flesh toned character of this scale is difficult to pull off without making it look like a so-called "Hasbro" figure. The joints on a standard size, flesh-toned human character are more easily "screened out" by the brain when looking at the figure as a whole - and most of them also have clothes or armor to hide at least a few of them.
I agree.
I think that some of the pictures I've seen of this figure make it look absolutely fantastic. Some make it look like the Hulk stepped right out of the movie and into a Hot Toys box.
But others... the way the figure is posed... or bad lighting... and sometimes, it looks like a "Hasbro figure". Figures with arms that work this way don't have armpits... just the underside of a ball joint. So when you raise the arms up high... something doesn't look right. I'm not saying that as a reason to hate on the figure (it's something we have to accept from our pose-able action figures)... but if 100% life-like is what a collector is hoping for, maybe statue would serve their needs better.
I also find that with the pictures I've seen, this figure looks best with a natural amount of light, if that makes any sort of sense. Whether the background is light or dark... lighting it such that allows for natural shadows to fall around it really makes it pop, IMHO. If the figure is over-lit, then it can look really cheap (again, IMHO). Conversely, I've seen some pictures lit such that the arm joints seem to disappear (or become much less noticeable).
Hopefully, when we get our Hulk figure, it'll more accurately reflect the great-looking pictures... and not the photos that don't flatter it as much or at all.
It was a complaint levelled at Jake Sully when it first came out, and now Hulk. But Jake Sully lacked personality because of its incomprehensiblly bland expression. This figure is full of attitude, so the visible joints don't bother me at all. Hulk has personality. Personality goes a long way.
And again, I agree. It was the face that really sold me on this figure. The other Avengers characters all seem to have this "Stepford Wives" neutral expression on their faces (well... with Iron Man, it's kind of expected, I suppose). But with Hulk, he's got a ton of, as you said, personality. Something he really needed to have... because if he didn't, he wouldn't be the Hulk (he'd be Banner).